Some ideas for SW

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I love the new DLC and i think that i has a lot of potential. I've been playing it since the early access and i have some ideas that i think that might be great :). I thought about maybe an Adventure Mode in SW, so we can see more Maxwell in this DLC, because i'm missing him a bit haha. And maybe, a boss in the Volcano (like the Ancient Guardian in the ruins for example) because for now the inside of the volcano is not that interesting in my opinion, and i think it got a lot of potential! like, new creatures that you can find just there, and more stuff related to Obsidian, maybe more magic things... 

I don't know, those are just a few things that cross my mind while playing :p  i love the DLC and i cant wait to see the next update :D i think it has a lot to offer! I would like to know what you think about this :) and sorry if my english is bad, i actually speak spanish :p

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i think a lot of players expected to be able to go inside the volcano.

do you want to pump the lava out, just have it explorable during inactive seasons, or do you want to use a Tiger Shark submarine to dive into the lava?


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GEverybody wants new content for Shipwrecked... But exactly what? As in what could actually be added? I would agree that it feels and looks quite unfinished and looks as if half the content is still missing. But it's also that Capy didn't really get the artstyle and feel very well either and I'm sure I'm not alone on this. To me it feels as if the artstyle for a large part needs to be re-done. Same with the music. It's not as memorable nor as unique as the RoG or the Vanilla soundtracks. I would argue that the waterand the waves (especially the water) look way too real; they don't capture the artstyle of the ocean that was in the RoG and Vanilla worlds. Sure, the layout of the ocean might not have been fit for looking great, but the artstyle of the water could still have been used and I'm just disappointed and confused as to why it was made to look more realistic and with the white waves that you see in ponds. Soundtrack play seems to be broken as well; some play when unintended! Like you'll be on land and you'll be hearing the night sailing music... In the middle of the day. All until you relog. I think it's a simple oversight and I can see why this would happen, but come on; is this seriously that hard to wrap your head around or fix even?

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