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Book shelf and library

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My idea is for a new early game decor item called a book shelf to be added. When duplicants are idle they can go to the book shelf to read a book and reduce stress a little bit. It will be a nice quality of life addition  to make people feel  better about having idles.  and it will also control where idle dupes go, which can be important. There could also be a related room called a library, which includes 2 book shelves and a light. It would give them a temporary boost to learning based on how long they stayed idle.

Is this a good idea?

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well, simply should increase learning skill or to get rid of slow learner debuff

i miss having stamina skill, but their stamina doesnt matter yet

also stellarhub had some nice skills, only that it wouldnt matter there. for example the strength, stamina, speed and mentality, intelligence

others skills would matter only if there would be some kind of battle simulation/sport/fight

maybe they add relations between dupes, so social/antisocial dupes react differently to things, then other skills would matter too

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