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Extreme nitpicks

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⦁    "Next" button to cycle through duplicants
⦁    When I click a dupe and say "Move To," if I accidentally click on a non-move-to-able tile, can I still have the reticle to keep on trying to click on the tile I intended?  It just disappears.
⦁    Make mess tables shared-use.  I only ever have a few duplicants eating at a time (and that's how big I want my mess hall).
⦁    I don't need an alarm bell every time a sleet wheat grain expires.  It's the same alarm bell I hear when a dupe is suffocating.  Maybe have a secondary alarm bell for less-significant notifications, or give the normal, bubble-pop notification sound to the sleet wheat grain.
⦁    There should be a cooldown on the "food shortage" alarm.  It goes off every few seconds when you're hovering around the threshold, but then not at all when you drop below it.
⦁    People throwing their food on the ground to go to the bathroom is simply a thing that does not happen in the real world.  Neither is leaving a job 99.99% complete when you get hungry.  Can dupes just finish their current task before attending to their personal needs?  
⦁    Allow max and min value for atmo/pressure/thermo switches to avoid stuttering.
⦁    There should be an exclusion zone around the build menus to prevent mis-clicks.  I frequently place a single tile or piece of wire inbetween the build menus when trying to select a different building.
⦁    Mealtimes: I think it would be cool if there were mealtimes at set intervals throughout the day where, if a dupe was hungry, they would wait for the next mealtime and then all go to eat together.
⦁    Display pertinent information on medical cot UI (sicknesses & health%), and allow to sort by it.
⦁    "Empty Storage" button should automatically boot out stored materials without waiting for toggle (like storage compactors).
⦁    Let me check planting requirements for various plants without having to build an empty planter box.
⦁    Can I move the screen over to the right far enough to get the UI off the playable area?  Right now you have to scroll way in to use the right side of the map.
⦁    I'd like some way to prioritize repairs.
⦁    The "medicine" stat doesn't seem to do what it says it does, which is increase a dupe's resistance to disease.  I have dupes with Medicine 7 and they get sick all the time.
⦁    Dupes get stuck in loop of smelling a putrid odor and taking food from fridge if dupe with trench stench is eating on floor by the fridge.  Also when sleeping on floor next to a dupe with trench stench.  (Wouldn't they just move?)  Cooldown on smelling a putrid odor should be longer.  They also get stuck in this loop in games with more lag while trying to decide what to do next.  They'll just stand there smelling a putrid odor over and over again. lol.
⦁    Get rid of  "insufficient oxygen generation" notification.  It doesn't convey anything useful, and it's always there.
⦁    Airlocks often don't respond to the first click when changing to auto/lock/open.
⦁    There's no way to prioritize the deconstruction of gas/pipe/wire bridges.  Sometimes deconstruction on pipes will carry over to bridges, other times it won't.
⦁    Let me rebuild insulated pipes with different materials by clicking on top of existing insulated pipes.
⦁    Medical cot should cure "sore back"

Great job.  I can't wait for the next update.  Keep up the good work.

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3 hours ago, Stinktooth said:

⦁    Get rid of  "insufficient oxygen generation" notification.  It doesn't convey anything useful, and it's always there.

This alert is there to let you know you are not producing enough clean oxygen, if your base isnt struggling its usually due to breathing in polluted oxygen and the game will still complain since it doesn't track that. I think they will leave it in as probably in the future polluted oxygen will be more serious or easier to deal with....I hope haha.


3 hours ago, Stinktooth said:

⦁    There's no way to prioritize the deconstruction of gas/pipe/wire bridges.  Sometimes deconstruction on pipes will carry over to bridges, other times it won't.

When you desonctruct them press x, make sure you have only pipes selected and the priority selection shows up at the bottom right for me. I havnt had the other part happen though.


3 hours ago, Stinktooth said:

⦁    The "medicine" stat doesn't seem to do what it says it does, which is increase a dupe's resistance to disease.  I have dupes with Medicine 7 and they get sick all the time.

I think the medicine stat does nothing at the moment, and if your dupes are constantly in polluted oxygen then it makes sense they get sick all the time.

I totally agree with everything else though, many great comments and observations. Also ignore the polluted oxygen comments if you are running a pollution free base, those are my observations from my first few bases before i finally cleared out polluted oxygen.

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On 18. 7. 2017 at 7:34 AM, Stinktooth said:

Get rid of  "insufficient oxygen generation" notification.  It doesn't convey anything useful, and it's always there.

It's actually consequence of a bug. Dupes now feel fine in polluted oxygen but they don't consume it. So while your dupes stay in polluted oxygen, they register oxygen consumption but don't decrease pressure in the colony.

On 18. 7. 2017 at 7:34 AM, Stinktooth said:

Let me rebuild insulated pipes with different materials by clicking on top of existing insulated pipes.

Avoid rebuilding where possible, it won't return you materials used on the original building. 

On 18. 7. 2017 at 7:34 AM, Stinktooth said:

The "medicine" stat doesn't seem to do what it says it does

Overhaul of diseases etc. is coming in next release.

On 18. 7. 2017 at 7:34 AM, Stinktooth said:

Make mess tables shared-use.  I only ever have a few duplicants eating at a time (and that's how big I want my mess hall).


On 18. 7. 2017 at 7:34 AM, Stinktooth said:

Mealtimes: I think it would be cool if there were mealtimes at set intervals throughout the day where, if a dupe was hungry, they would wait for the next mealtime and then all go to eat together.

These two go against each other

On 18. 7. 2017 at 7:34 AM, Stinktooth said:

"Empty Storage" button should automatically boot out stored materials without waiting for toggle (like storage compactors).

Or the other way around. The idea is that you plan what should be done, and dupes do it. When things are done immediately, it's because devs didn't get over implementing it as a dupe task yet, or there are serious gameplay reasons to leave it that way.

On 18. 7. 2017 at 7:34 AM, Stinktooth said:

People throwing their food on the ground to go to the bathroom is simply a thing that does not happen in the real world.

Neither they go and store the food in the fridge if they need to visit the toilet so urgently that they actually leave - they just leave it where it is. I guess it would help if the food icon was some sort of package instead of just the food?


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On 7/18/2017 at 1:34 AM, Stinktooth said:

 Let me rebuild insulated pipes with different materials by clicking on top of existing insulated pipes.

Let me point out that, at the moment, there is no conceivable reason to use insulated anything (except, perhaps, as a visual indicator). Uninsulated abyssalite already provides virtually absolute temperature isolation, and takes a fraction of the time to build.

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On 7/18/2017 at 0:34 AM, Stinktooth said:

⦁    Make mess tables shared-use.  I only ever have a few duplicants eating at a time (and that's how big I want my mess hall).

I'd like if Mess Tables, Massage Tables, Microbe Mushers, Medical Facilities, etc. could be assigned to a Dupe (or Dupes), but if they aren't assigned, then they are shared use. If, for example, you have a couple of Duplicants that you've invested a lot of time in, you might prioritize them over other Dupes for certain facilities, or only want a specific Dupe to go into a specific area. Being able to assign these things to a specific Dupe would be nice. Players could even set up "gal dorms" and "guy dorms", if multiple dupes could be assigned to certain objects, instead of just one, but, yes. I don't want to build more than a couple Medical Cots or Rejuvenators. These shouldn't have to be assigned but should have the option.

Basically, I'd like if the Dupes were more autonomous without these arbitrary and borderline excessive micromanagement issues with objects that require finicky and clunky interactions with the UI. Also, for large colonies, these settings really begin to needlessly frustrate.

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