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Possible to change priorities for errands in job

  • Branch: Preview Branch Version: Windows Fixed

Not sure if this is intentional or not, but it looks weird. When you assign a duplicant a new job, the priorities screen for that job will show a wrench icon and the mouseover text will say "As a X, y considers X errands to be very important." However, it is possible still to change the priority of the job, even disable it by clicking on the wrench, and once you have done this, there doesn't seem to be a way to get the wrench back.

Steps to Reproduce
Give a duplicant a job, open the priorities screen, click their priority for that job.

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

Seconded. Even quitting and reloading a save doesn't reset the wrench. 


Workaround: Unset the dupe's job, then reset it and the wrench returns.


Edit: Related issue. I set Devon's (Courier) job to General Engineer then straight back to Courier, while paused, and now have wrenches in both Operate and Supply. Issue does not occur if changes are made while the game is running. File attached is from just after the paused changes. 

Rancher 3.sav


E2: It does occur if the game is running, but only if you make the double change without closing the Jobs page in between changes.

E3: If the game is paused, even closing the jobs page in between changes leaves you with double wrenches.


E4: (I'll stop soon, I promise) If you make a change to dupe A's job, close the Jobs page, reopen it, revert Dupe A's job and change dupe B's job without closing the page, Dupe A will have double wrenches, so only make one change at a time until issue is fixed.

Edited by ReLiC71

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