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Shark spawning checks for gnarwails, not other sharks

  • Fixed
local function testforshark(comp, spawnpoint)
    local ents = TheSim:FindEntities(spawnpoint.x, spawnpoint.y, spawnpoint.z, TUNING.SHARK_TEST_RADIUS, GNARWAIL_TAGS)
    if #ents < 2 and math.random() < TUNING.SHARK_SPAWN_CHANCE then

The testforshark function in components/schoolspawner.lua checks for entities with the "gnarwail" tag, instead of the "shark" tag as a player might expect. This means there is theoretically an infinite limit to the amount of sharks that can spawn, if there are not more than two gnarwails in the area.

Is this an actual problem in gameplay? I'd say so as one time I've experienced getting four sharks back to back, which just doesn't seem very fair : P

Steps to Reproduce

1. Be the unluckiest person on planet earth and get four Rock Jaws back to back.

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User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

I've seen this reported a few times and I hope it gets fixed this time. I love the danger of rockjaws a lot normally, but I've found myself trapped in pretty unfair-feeling situations before, like being surrounded by an ever-increasing number of sharks circling Pearl's island and preventing me from leaving.

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