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Equipping the Werebeaver

  • Fixed

Using the magic that is RPCs you can equip items onto the beaver despite not having any inventory shown.


Firstly you'll need an entity index to reference for the RPCs.

Picking up an item and then doing:


Will spew out an entity index and the prefab name.


The item should be placed in the inventory hotbar somewhere, doesn't even matter, just so long as it is not on your character before changing.

Then change to the werebeaver.


SendRPCToServer(RPC.UseItemFromInvTile, 87, Ents[101024])

The 101024 will be the entity index from the prior step, 87 is the RPC code for equip.


Now the player will have put on whatever item(s) chosen, and the hat slot will make the werebeaver lose its head and arms and foot depending on rotation.






Additionally the beaver may eat wood from the inventory by using:

SendRPCToServer(RPC.UseItemFromInvTile, 14, Ents[101001])

Where 101001 is the entity index for the stack of logs obtained from the active item selector.

Code 14 is the eat code.




Sorry PvP servers, while this isn't a crashing server thing but it might affect you since this is an exploit.

Means you, @artemiyME Strictly Unprofessional PvP owner/hoster.

@PeterA This is how~

Steps to Reproduce
1) Get entity indexes from inventory. Can do this by: print(ThePlayer.replica.inventory:GetActiveItem()) and noting the entity index (my case 101024). 2) Put these items in your inventory and not on your player. 3) Go Beaver 4) SendRPCToServer(RPC.UseItemFromInvTile, 87, Ents[101024]) 5) Become headless (if using a hat) 6) Become stronger (if using a weapon) 7) Become tougher (if using chest armour)
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User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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