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Need help (player_common_extensions.lua)

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I want edit "player_common_extensions.lua", need changes this code:

    -- Resurrector is involved
    if source ~= nil then
        inst.components.skinner:SetSkinMode("normal_skin") -- restore skin

        source:PushEvent("activateresurrection", inst)

        if source.prefab == "amulet" then
        elseif source.prefab == "resurrectionstone" then
        elseif source.prefab == "resurrectionstatue" then
        elseif source:HasTag("multiplayer_portal") then

    else -- Telltale Heart
        inst.sg:GoToState("reviver_rebirth", item)

How I can do this?
I can change this code using only "modmain.lua"?

Edited by Tezumoto
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What exactly do you want to change? Just because the code is right there, it doesn't mean it's the only place to "get at it". You kind of HAVE to do all your changes from modmain.lua. Any other file you make, will need to be "activated" in the modmain anyway.

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2 minutes ago, Ultroman said:

What exactly do you want to change? Just because the code is right there, it doesn't mean it's the only place to "get at it". You kind of HAVE to do all your changes from modmain.lua. Any other file you make, will need to be "activated" in the modmain anyway.

I want add this:


For "resurrectionstone".

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So, you want the player to receive a max-HP penalty when using the resurrection stone. Got it.

You can see that the "source" pushes the event "activateresurrection" just before the if-statement.

source:PushEvent("activateresurrection", inst)

Looking at the resurrectionstone.lua you can see that it listens to this event already, and calls a function which does some things when it's called. You want to edit this function, and add the functionality you want.

Simply do this

AddPrefabPostInit("resurrectionstone", function(inst)
	local oldFn = inst.OnActivateResurrection
	inst.OnActivateResurrection = function(inst, guy)
		oldFn(inst, guy)
		if guy.components.health then


Alternatively, you can just add another listener, and call your own function. That's probably even better.

AddPrefabPostInit("resurrectionstone", function(inst)
	inst:ListenForEvent("activateresurrection", function(source, guy)
		if guy.components.health then


Edited by Ultroman
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Don't need add "GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim"?

AddPrefabPostInit("resurrectionstone", function(inst)
	inst:ListenForEvent("activateresurrection", function(source, guy)
		if guy.components.health and GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim then


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Not sure, actually. I don't do it for any of my mods anymore, because it makes them not work on servers with caves. Put it in there, and if it works on servers with and without caves, then keep it. If it doesn't work on servers with caves, remove it, and test again.

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1 minute ago, Ultroman said:

Not sure, actually. I don't do it for any of my mods anymore, because it makes them not work on servers with caves. Put it in there, and if it works on servers with and without caves, then keep it. If it doesn't work on servers with caves, remove it, and test again.

Need more ")"?

AddPrefabPostInit("resurrectionstone", function(inst)
	inst:ListenForEvent("activateresurrection", function(source, guy)
		if guy.components.health then

At line 6.

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Just now, Ultroman said:

It doesn't look like it. They match up as far as I can see.

My Notepad++ just shows me that one "(" not closed.

AddPrefabPostInit("resurrectionstone", function(inst)
	inst:ListenForEvent("activateresurrection", function(source, guy)
		if guy.components.health then

This code work on my server with cave.
I hope for other players on my server this will also work without errors.

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6 minutes ago, Ultroman said:

It should. If you test on a server without caves, you're essentially testing whether it works on a server-player, and when you test on a server with caves, you're essentially testing whether it works on client-players.

Why do need "TheWorld.ismastersim"?
Me was told that this parameter is responsible for what is being processed on the server side, and not just for the player.

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The clients don't need all the components and stuff, since they're essentially looking at "replicants" of the actual entities. The server does most of the work, and then tells clients what is happening. The clients mostly just know how things are supposed to be shown, and not how they work. For example, clients don't know how much health a thing has. They just know if they can click on it and interact with it. I'm not completely versed in this aspect of the code structure, but I probably should get familiar with it, since I have quite a lot of mods on the workshop ^^

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9 minutes ago, Ultroman said:

The clients don't need all the components and stuff, since they're essentially looking at "replicants" of the actual entities. The server does most of the work, and then tells clients what is happening. The clients mostly just know how things are supposed to be shown, and not how they work. For example, clients don't know how much health a thing has. They just know if they can click on it and interact with it. I'm not completely versed in this aspect of the code structure, but I probably should get familiar with it, since I have quite a lot of mods on the workshop ^^

This too work on my server with cave.
(with "GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim")
I didn't really understand all this, but it works :D

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