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variable 'OnTurnOn' is not declared

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Alright, so I've been working on a character, and I'm working on implimenting a custom prototyper into this character. I've got most of the issues ironed out so far, such as the tech tree, recipe tab, animation, but I run into a problem when I use the custom prototyper to prototype an item. I go to prototype the item, which it does actually make, and give to me, but when the Onactivate function finishes what it is doing, it tries to run the OnTurnOn function, which itself is giving me this error:

[00:01:17]: [string "../mods/Max Robat/scripts/prefabs/cavemachi..."]:42: variable 'OnTurnOn' is not declared

The parts I think might help solve this are as follows:

	    local function doneact(inst)
        inst._activetask = nil
        if not inst:HasTag("burnt") then
            if inst.components.prototyper.on then

local function OnTurnOn(inst)
	if inst.AnimState:IsCurrentAnimation("proximity_loop") then
		--NOTE: push again even if already playing, in case an idle was also pushed
		inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("proximity_loop", true)
		inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("proximity_loop", true)
	if not inst.SoundEmitter:PlayingSound("idlesound") then
		inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/common/ancienttable_LP", "idlesound")
local function OnTurnOff(inst)

    local function onactivate(inst)
        if not inst:HasTag("burnt") then
            inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("idle_full", false)
            if not inst.SoundEmitter:PlayingSound("sound") then
                inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/common/ancienttable_craft", "sound")
            inst._activecount = inst._activecount + 1
            inst:DoTaskInTime(1.5, doonact)
            if inst._activetask ~= nil then
            inst._activetask = inst:DoTaskInTime(inst.AnimState:GetCurrentAnimationLength() + 2 * FRAMES, doneact)

And this is in the master:

	inst.components.prototyper.trees = TUNING.PROTOTYPER_TREES.MAXTAB_ONE
	inst.components.prototyper.onturnon = OnTurnOn
	inst.components.prototyper.onturnoff = OnTurnOff
	inst.components.prototyper.onactivate = onactivate

I'm really not sure what I'm missing. Any help would be greatly appreciated

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All of the code I posted was from the prototyper prefab I'm working on. I assume the part I'm using incorrectly is these:

inst.components.prototyper.onturnon = OnTurnOn
	inst.components.prototyper.onturnoff = OnTurnOff
	inst.components.prototyper.onactivate = onactivate

which when I remove them, the machine does prototype the item, no errors, but the station itself doesn't push an animation anymore. I'm not sure what I need to adjust to do so. Thanks again for the assistance.

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  • Developer

Maybe I misunderstood.

From what I understand the line

inst.components.prototyper.onturnoff = OnTurnOff

is in a different file than the function OnTurnOff itself. Because OnTurnOff is defined as a local function, that line would not be able to 'see' the function ("local" tells the lua engine that it's not visible outside the file it's defined in).

You have to make the function either not local, or make another way to access it from outside that file, or move it the file that uses it. Without the complete code it's hard to tell you what the best approach would be.



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Alright cool. That actually helped me solve the issue. What i was specifically doing was making a new prototyper for a character. The prototyper itself is almost identical to the science machine, but part of it was just giving me trouble. I removed "local" from the OnTurnOff and OnTurnOn functions. after that, the animations were working, and no crashes or other errors from that. Thank you so much. Here is the prefab after I fixed the issues, just for reference.


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