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A Few Small Hamlet Suggestions (so far)

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I'm enjoying Hamlet, new sw character content fills a void in my soul. So I've got some random useless suggestions I just wanted to throw out into the void because I like the sound of em. Or Klei.

A thought that amused me was about the waterfalls inspired by a recently patched bug, I hoped you could boat off of them, but die. Well there's my suggestion.


Of course I'd figure if you push against one your character could go ANNOUNCE_OFFBALANCE and live, but if they push against it a second time, a plummet to the death sounds fun. Honestly, I just find an environmental death like that fun cause it's new. Wouldn't require actually changing any collisions, all animation tricks.

Now I've got some smaller suggestions, relating to animations.

Minor spoilers for the Pugalisk boss fight, a suggestion. 



During the fight with the Pugalisk it "hypnotizes" you but all it does is cause you to freeze, there's opportunity here.


Instead of simply freezing I think a better choice is to use the Mind Control mechanic from DST's Ancient Fuelweaver. Hamlet added DST assets, best to make use of them. Of course instead of the shadow overlay it could be made into something else, maybe. I feel as if this would make it more unique. Using both could even work too.



Another minor suggestion is a simple animation port from DST, while I'm sure there's more that can be ported something I'd love to see ported is player_hit_darkness, yeah, this classic when you get struck by the grue:


Lore free and probably better than standing there losing health given the chance you see it, just some QOL stuff.

The characters have their dst assets in Hamlet, there's a lot more use you can get out of em! Cause I'm seeing some good uses already. Like even a unique idle animation or face while having hay fever, making em look ill. That kinda stuff. More modded API works too.

Alright, thanks klei. P.S why, pls fix: 2772817cbb.png



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