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Need help with AddComponentPostInit - component acts incorrectly

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I'm trying to edit function for component "stewer" via AddComponentPostInit and it all works except one issue and I can't find a way to fix it. The issue is cookpot (which component I edit) preparing food infinitely. Stopping and relogging into server gives prepared food. I completely removed my changes and problem still persists. 
Here is the code (almost the same as the one in original component):

		function Stewer:StartCooking()
			if self.targettime == nil and self.inst.components.container ~= nil then
				self.done = nil
				self.spoiltime = nil

				if self.onstartcooking ~= nil then

				local ings = {}         
				for k, v in pairs (self.inst.components.container.slots) do
					table.insert(ings, v.prefab)

				local cooktime = 1
				self.product, cooktime = cooking.CalculateRecipe(self.inst.prefab, ings)
				local productperishtime = cooking.GetRecipe(self.inst.prefab, self.product).perishtime or 0

				if productperishtime > 0 then
					local spoilage_total = 0
					local spoilage_n = 0
					for k, v in pairs (self.inst.components.container.slots) do
						if v.components.perishable ~= nil then
							spoilage_n = spoilage_n + 1
							spoilage_total = spoilage_total + v.components.perishable:GetPercent()
					self.product_spoilage = 1
					if spoilage_total > 0 then
						self.product_spoilage = spoilage_total / spoilage_n
						self.product_spoilage = 1 - (1 - self.product_spoilage) * .5
					self.product_spoilage = nil
				cooktime = TUNING.BASE_COOK_TIME * cooktime
				self.targettime = GLOBAL.GetTime() + cooktime --Forced to use GLOBAL huh
				if self.task ~= nil then
				self.task = self.inst:DoTaskInTime(cooktime, dostew, self)

				self.inst.components.container.canbeopened = false

I tried forcing cooktime = 1, but that's not issue.
I completely lost now and hope to get some help there.

edit: I'm doing this in modmain

Edited by NightSparrow
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at the third line and onward, you repeatedly try to use the variable 'self', which does not exist

change the first two lines to this:

AddComponentPostInit("stewer", function(self)
	function self:StartCooking()


Edited by JohnWatson
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Okay I found the source of problem is function "dostew" in
 self.task = self.inst:DoTaskInTime(cooktime, dostew, self)
which somehow doesn't trigger or cause any error.

Currently examining possible ways to fix it and I hope there is way other than replacing this function with new one in modmain
edit: is there a way other than replacing dostew with function() copypaste? I can't find a workaround...

Edited by NightSparrow
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On 10/13/2018 at 1:32 AM, NightSparrow said:

Okay I found the source of problem is function "dostew" in
 self.task = self.inst:DoTaskInTime(cooktime, dostew, self)
which somehow doesn't trigger or cause any error.

Currently examining possible ways to fix it and I hope there is way other than replacing this function with new one in modmain
edit: is there a way other than replacing dostew with function() copypaste? I can't find a workaround...

I don't think you can find a workaround. You do not have access to the local function dostew from your modmain.lua file.

I don't know what you want to change in the StartCooking function, but if you just want to add something, you could always do it like this:

local stewer = GLOBAL.require("components/stewer")
local old_fn = stewer.StartCooking
function stewer.StartCooking()
  -- Your code here
  -- Your code here


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