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Suggested short, straightforeward youtube tutorials?

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It's actually a little hard to suggest something... these are the tutorials that I learned from:

But some of the mechanics have changed since, so they're not totally accurate anymore. For example, the gas guide says that heavier gases moves down and to the right, lighter gases move up and to the left, and that polluted oxygen is lighter than oxygen, but now it's been changed so gases fall down in equal amounts to the left and right, and PO2 and O2 are equal, so they don't change place so easily.

The heat guide suggests using fertilizer makers to destroy heat in PH2O, and this would probably still work... but fertilizer makers have been seriously nerfed since, so it's way more trouble than it's worth now. Also, he's using watts, which was the old measurement of heat, now it's measured in DTU.

But other than that, I think the guides are still good.

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