Confusion on foods with multiple craving fulfillment and the coins they should give.


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I am confused about the Gnaw's craving. When I give a FRESH Grilled Cheese (this means I immediately made the grilled cheese after buying the milk in the grill) in a plate during a non-cheese round (ie. Snack or Bread), I don't get a favor but a red coin instead, even though both Klei's recipe forums and my recipe book says it does. What the point of confusion is a favor coin should be given on the rounds it satisfies when plated, but I get a red coin instead.

I am aware that the spoilage of the food item affects the coins you get and that the Grilled Cheese spoils real fast and maybe I made a mistake somewhere along the line and didn't notice the freshness.

Do others face a similar issue as me with other recipes or is it just me not noticing the freshness of my meals when I give it during the correct craving? Could it be that if I give the same food twice in a row, I get less coins? Thank you.

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I think the recipe book just shows the best value someone has got for that dish. So Grilled cheese on a cheese round gives a favour so that's what it shows in the recipe book, but on a bread/snack round it gives a red instead. Giving the same food multiple times that matches the craving, like a caramel cube for dessert for instance, should always give a favour.

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Ah, that makes much more sense. I knew the recipe book would show the best value someone got for that meal, but assumed that the multiple cravings on a meal would mean the same coin value for each craving, not that it a Favor would only apply to one of its craving fullfillments. This aspect should be more clear. I'll make a post in the suggestions for Klei do add a Gnaw icon on the Gnaw craving fulfillment that gives that coin value, or something that would make that aspect more clear. 

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