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Idea : Elevator/Elevation

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Wouldn't it be nice to research some sort of fast-pase elevation/elevator system, like you can get the poll that makes them go down faster, make something that could get them up faster, I believe something like " Queue-room " and "Elevator" that goes up then down and then up, and then it stops if there is people in its designated stop queue that is going whatever direction the elevator is going, or maybe some sort of "Staircase" that helps them faster up but cant go downwards?

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Yeah, tubes are great but for me it seems Dupes don't recognize if it might be faster to walker than using the tube.

I fiddled around with my base structure when the firepoles were implemented and I tried to build my bases more vertical, than horizontal.
I landed somewhere with a main shaft going from the top to the bottom, a firepole, 3 tiles floor and a ladder.
With the tubes I was thinking about placing a tube station on every relevant level to simulate an elevator.

You might want to try this for yourself.

Spoiler alert: In my base it went horribly wrong :D

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I'd like to see an elevator in the mid game but with more of a mine hopper kind of think that can be loaded with a considerable mass of ore/stones etc to help convey that material into your base (UI and AI for this might be a bit tricky though).  Dupes ride in it as a bonus but its inferior to tubes as a means of conveying Dupes and inferior to rails for moving materials, just a decent mid-game stopgap for both.

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