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I find the new jobs a mystery

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This isn't real life and its hard to rap my head around all these jobs that the Dup has no skill in , why..  no one wants to do things that are out of reach.

and secondly  When you assign them to a job, they run off and do all the work they have skill checks in first, or until they reach that skill they like doing...  I think that needs atten.  just because it is checked, doesn't mean ignore YOUR work.  their jobs, pural because they need to be able to do more then just 1., should come first.  if I have to start microing that now too, hmmm?

The problem with skill and work is that they don't go hand in hand at all.  and the Dup should prefer their work over the perferance menu..  but they don't that means you have to uncheck every skill that comes first in the case of a miner!  and then when they aren't  mining you have to recheck it all..  it makes no sense I bet more then half the people are ignoring this completely, since jobs and skills dont run hand in hand.. its  a pain is the a--!

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The jobs system could potentially be simpler than the skills checkboxes. However, there's a lot of problems with it. It assumes a large base where you the specialization of dupes is the norm. Early bases need generalists, but this system doesn't work with that. You need to micro your dupes if you want them to be a generalist. Technically you don't, but only because dupes will do tasks outside of their jobs. (That seems like a temporary compromise, until the old skills system is killed off entirely.) Jobs (along with the mutually exclusive room bonuses) seem to be the intended playstyle, pushing players towards the one "correct" way to play.

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