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[Occupationnal Upgrade] Improvments for the Hats/Jobs system

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First of all, Klei did a good job with the last patches that improve the Occupationnal Upgrade, even if now it's a little bit too easy. I've some suggestions to improve more the job/clothing system :

Use the Employment Desk as a dock


Since the last patch, we can still have a mutli jobs Duplicant but he can do only once at a time. So I think it could be interesting to use the Employment Desk as the Exosuit dock to automate the job change according to the zone where the Duplicant is going.

The hats would be as the Exo Suit, a special cloth dedicate to a special zone.


Make Duplicants progression more viewable


Since the new Jobs system is on, the game gives us me desire to interest about our Duplicants almost like an RPG. So I think I could be interesting to have the dynamic portrait in the main screen to always have a eyes on our Dups and their leveling. Because, personnaly I open really often the Jobs windows but it breaks the immersion in the game.


Add cloakroom with a checkpoint


I think I could be interesting a add the reciepe of the cloakroom to make more reliable the vest and switch according to the zone.

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