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More unique stress animations and looks for ugly crier duplicants

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The animations and looks of Ugly Crier duplicants are way too similar to Vomiters... or it may be the other way around. Notice the similarities between Travaldo (vomiter dupe) and a bunch of ugly crier dupes.

I suggest adding new animations and looks that are unique to ugly criers. Maybe make them more emotional and impactful to make the players "pity" them (or make them cry even more) when they look like they're about to break down. :D




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I really like those stress animations, sure more variations, could only be better.
"Normally" they are rare to see.
Your base is like a big torturechamber, it seems. (pictures?) I would really like, that 100% stresslevel could cause death.
When you want to see some other different stress animations, have a look here ^^


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Oh yes. That is a debug mode ugly crier torture chamber right there, inhabited by 70 ugly criers and 1 Ren separated from the pack. I'm holding off playing my main colonies and currently making random (and possibly cruel) debug mode colonies while waiting for the Occupational Upgrade to go live. :D

I tried your challenge. 9 cycles, 1 dupe died (Mae). Those poor, poor dupes and their really miserable lives :D

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