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Simple Setting for the Water Pump

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Hey so I was playing a new run and usually I don't bathe my algae terrariums in water, i just manually water them. I then keep a little reservoir of excess water filled with a hand pump that dupes can pump from. It then occurred to me that there is very little ways to store water. There's no machine that automatically produces bottled water for usage in plants and stuff, but more importantly I also noted that there's no setting for the Manual Pump to just make it so that dupes will just pump the reservoir dry and store the bottled water instead of just pumping it on an as needed basis. Imo it's just a bit of quality of life changes, but these are the kinds of things that people like. I'd really like to be able to just take the excess water I have and bottle it up for usage instead of leaving it in a reservoir to be used when I need it.

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You should have minimal bottled water usage in a mid game base. Afaik it's only used for research and food production, and only food production matters for germ free water. Adding a line from a pump to a small reservoir nearby the machines increases efficiency by reducing dupe travel. You should be flood watering the terrariums with said pump (or hot germy water from a sieve), labor cost is astronomical otherwise and they're a pretty terrible waste of cold clean water in any case, algae deoxidizers ftw. 

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