New Character - Wincent

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- playable character

- he is “survivor“( as Wilson is a gentleman scientist so Wincent is a survivor)

- at the beginning he gets a rope, luxury axe and wooden armor.

- he is scared of pigs (everything associated with pigs greatly reduces his sanity)

- health – 170

- hunger – 200

- sanity – 170

- perk - he has a dark past associated with pigs


I have no idea how Wincent might look but I think he should have a beard at the beginning. He should also might have a ragged clothes.





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perk is to help or hinder you early on
 this perk only explains his draw back that isn't what a perk does

- perk - he has a dark past associated with pigs


This whole character is pointless a good custom character or custom character should provide a change of how you play the game major or minor. or offer something to make their game play has depth

this character's only advantage is their starting times which is terrible you never should make your character's selling point what it starts with starting items should help you utilize their strength immediately not be their strength. When you take the starting items away from this character you are left with someone weaker then wilson a uninteresting, template.

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