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A cave on a dedicated DST server is basicially a second DST server running parallel to the overworld one. This way a DST server only has to manage one world and has a better performance than a server that would have to handle multiple worlds parallel. When entering a cave entrance the player file gets transferred to the other server.
To do this you basicially set up the shards (For clarification: a shard is a single world server by itself, a cluster is a combination of two or more shards connected to eachother) the way that they have the same master port (the port they communicate over to eachother), but different connection ports for the player connections.
Then you also add the line that changes the cave shard world gen to cave world as you've probably already read in tutorials in the worldgenoverride.lua.
If you start up both servers now they should find eachother after starting up and connect their portals (sink holes in the overworld, staircases in the caves) to eachother automaticially.

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What I usually do is create two script files to launch the servers seperately. This has the major advantage that you can monitor them independantly of eachother. To each their own I'd say. If you want to monitor everything, track down errors, and check if stuff is still running do seperate startup scripts. If you don't care about all of that and instead just want to run everything as easy as possible go for a single file. To do either of this you basicially copy your normal startup string and modify it just like I Heart Popcorn described and either pack it into a seperate file so it looks just like your main one with the one modification, or add it to your main one to start up both with one script.

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