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[MOD|RWG] Tweaks, Features added, a few POIs as well

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I've gotten this mod working for the Occupation upgrade *see downloads below*

Editing is in progress for newer content and some fixes for the hot mess.

-- but because of the mess that I made in the lower part of the world _ I have to rethink a few of the features I added. So if you're reading this, don't bump it, just look for a new thread soon - I'll be adding numerous other options soon..ish.


For those of us that like this sort of thing...I've modded the random world generation files. This replaces the default random world generation files, no need for debug unless that is your sort of thing. See notes and readme in the zip file for installation instructions - this involves overwriting some files in the streaming assets folder. Jump to the bottom of this post for the download.

Changes from default:
General notice: All POIs are inserted once unless referenced more than once. OIL reservoir spawns are finicky - probably because of the oil biome being so tight quartered but they average at least 3, 4 or more is not uncommon.

Reconfigured sand geodes, dropping the sandstone shell in favor of the biome-friendly minerals. This has a tendency to blend them in a little better - they still stand out, but incorporate biome-specific minerals. Sand will no longer spawn at 5000kg per tile, it's now more like 3.8 times as much - or 3800kg. This is the case for all of the sand geode features in all of the biomes where they were originally - ( lowered or added multiplier, added randomness, removed sandstone, replaced shell material with something friendly to the biome ) changed their dimensions slightly - there is just as much sand on the map..trust me.


Frozen (cold biome)

  • Re-added buried object functionality - Sleet Wheat seeds and Wort seeds can now be found in cracked tiles - these are few and far between but still exist.
  • altered sand geode - integrated granite and wolframite
  • altered wort spawning characteristics - though it's not very noticeable - tweaked this up slightly.
  • Added another roomtype here - this is mostly o2 and co2 because the air pressure in the cold biome is awful. You won't even know it's there.
  • added some pois

Swamp (hotmarsh, slime biome)

  • reconfigured sand geodes, dropped the igneous shell in favor of the biome-friendly sedimentary rock, this looks better to me.
  • note: the GeyserHole feature is a legacy modules, it creates the vacuum chambers/voids in this biome - I just left this alone. the MethaneGeyserHole is a clone of this and is not referenced by worldgen.
  • added some pois

Jungle: (aka purple, or hot)

  • changes to sand geode; it now contains sand and bleachstone (ordinary mass bleachstone) - to assist in chlorine production, I figure having some more bleachstone spawning would help mitigate the single geyser hunt.
  • Added feature; AlgeaBloom - uses same technique as a geode, but for algea, this meshes well in the biome, has higher density algea than normal spawns ( around 640kg per tile in the center, so not too extreme of a feature) these aren't overly massive - at least not in the context of the algae already present, the borders here have also been set up to blend it in with the rest of the biome - these formations contain a few tiles of sand here and there.
  • Removed the Infected feature of the jungle biome,  - notes contained in the relevant file for why - mostly because germs just die in this biome anyway, and it is too random, or it's not specified which germs are doing the infecting...if you want that early game challenge with the hot biome, the relevant line can be found in the subworlds/Jungle.yaml file. be warned, it paints germs on chlorine and this makes little sense in the early game.
  • replaced smallRoom with SpongeRoom 'feature' - a porous body of various biome specific gasses and minerals - this breaks things up a bit and allows gasses to flow through different parts of the biome and also disturbs the large formations of igneous rock, coal and algae, etc.
  • Note: Morb aka Glom in files is NOT spawning on the floor in this mod ... for some reason...changing their spawn location to air, makes it rain morbs, this is probably got something to do with ...(see notes at bottom), therefore I removed AND dereferenced the SmallRoom feature - added a morb geode poi, since we know where they come from and what not... if you love your morbs, then change their spawn location to air in the mobs.yaml file and have fun, otherwise they don't spawn in the jungle with this mod ( as of right now ).
  • added some pois

"Oil Biome"

  • note: this doesn't actually have formal biome files like the others do - definitions are mostly tucked away in the misc.yaml file.
  • changed diamond clumps into clumps of various minerals and metals, copper being one of them, diamond is still present, obsidian added here as well
    no other changes were made here - this biome layer is very cramped - changing the size of anything was intermittently resulting in absence oil well poi's ( being short by 1 or 2 of the 6, and on one occasion just one resevoir spawned in. )
  • No pois added here

'Magma' biome (below the oil biome):

  • ..is utter chaos. It is explorable all the way to the lower border.
  • Added several sub-biomes based off of the oil biome to accomplish this promordial volcanic tar pit of a mess. Oil will be boiling into petroleum, and petroleum boiling into natural gas. There's all kinds of minerals in this area.
  • Note: There is no nutronium intermixed in this area - it is either very hot or very very hot. I would not recommend playing in debug revealed mode if you want to utilize magma. Though heat will remain, it hardens very quickly - I would recommend reading the notes.txt file if you want to know how to start a game in debug mode, preview it, then reload it without having affected the entire map.
  • Added natural gas pockets ( for some reason they weren't/aren't very prevalent in the oil biome area )..they are down here.
  • Added feature RarityClump - rare metals, blob/geode form, based on geode blobs- contains, notably, tungsten, electrum and steel
  • note: this whole area is a disorganized mess of methane, magma, oil, rocks, and occasional geodes... Tungsten has a note written on it "I look like silver, update me", this can generally be ignored - in the grand scheme of things, I don't have it set to spawn at great density so the note isn't noticeable unless you're painting with tungsten. This is just a place to find rare metals at this point.

Other notes:

I made a few gas density tweaks to the existing POIs, not many but some - also removed a few tiles here and ther and slightly remodeled the a couple of the geysers such that their poi template does not include any abyssalite.

Here, you can actually see that games generated with the modset can be opened without the mod installed - so save games shouldn't break as a result of an update unless something spectacular happenes It appears that all world data is written to the save when it is generated.  Results may vary in this regard, therefore, try to remember the foremost thought - Game updates will most likely overwrite this mod set, this will generally result in the breakage of the mod - a reinstall of the mod would be needed to generate a new world which follows the changes listed above. I would be hesitant to do this reinstall if any patch notes indicate changes to random world gen. And here's a save game file: RWG Pilot test 61.sav, I didn't have the modset installed and this opened fine, so it appears it doesn't need to be functional after you generate a map in order to play the savegame.

And here's a massive screenshot of that world generated with the modset (click in twice, don't try to open this on a mobile device).


Oh, and the mod itself: oni_worldgen_mods_tpg_v1a_m10d15y17.zip fully tested with version 236679 ( Outdated! )

An in good faith upload of the mod described above working with the Occupational Upgrade: mod_update_OU_m02d9y2018.zip - you will want to follow the instructions as usual. I will be updating the actual content of this mod and posting it in a new thread soon.

I would include alternative variations of this (such as replacing all the vanilla poi tiles with plastic or something silly like that), but it's already complicated enough for now. I probably understand about 15% of what's going on within these files, so any feedback is appreciated - especially with regards to the noise files.

As, you can see in the image, it's quite chaotic down below, which is why I warn against debug mode playthroughs; though I didn't experience any lag while tooling this, well, I can only imagine the lag if you're playing with full fog reveal to begin with.

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On 1/12/2018 at 6:49 AM, Oozinator said:

Do you know, how to reset fog of war (mapwide), or to remove "unknown" shadow areas, (generated by ruins for example) in debug/ or to make them visible? Edit: Or how to make my "structure" to standard base and let it generate a world with it?


Been out for a while, have had a crazy last few months - will look at this soon. And updating this as well. 

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