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Winona Rework

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3 minutes ago, CaptainCatSleeping said:

Or just buff her speed thing to also include dropping and picking up items/collecting resources like grass and twigs. She's a factory worker, she should be fast and efficient in not only making things but also grabbing things to make said things. I see her as a character that has learnt to be quick and time saving after being in the factory for a while, and this characteristic should not be only limited to building things. This buff in the perk will be useful, even in late game and will certainly make me want to try her out more.

Either this, or like what some people and I had thought of, instead of making Winny craft faster, make her be able to craft more at one go with a special workbench of something. Even though Winny can craft faster, I will still need to continue to spam click when making mass amounts of ropes etc, only the duration of spam click is reduced by half. No one likes to spam click and destroy their mouse. So being able to craft, say 5 ropes etc at one go, would be more beneficial and useful.

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28 minutes ago, Atkvin said:

idea: all of winona's perks are jokes because they're just there to foreshadow lore stuff like her repairing a portal with tape, getting sucked in and meeting Charlie, dodging Charlie, making a spear before getting assimilated into Charlie and being removed from character select forever

That would be really funny to people who don't really care about her and the lore stuff and just straight up devastating to those who love lore and updates.

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