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[Solved] need help with fixing line of code

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Hello, I need some help fixing a tiny bit of code :)!

So, this is the code

if inst.HUD:IsChatInputScreenOpen() or inst.HUD:IsConsoleScreenOpen() then return end

I put this code in some my functions in modmain.lua then they don't effect the character if they're typing in chat, but I keep getting this crash if the world has caves on?

" attempt to index field 'HUD' (a nil value) "

It'd be great if someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong :wilson_dorky:!

Edited by SuperDavid
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Usually when something work when in server with no cave, but not in server with caves, it's because of a prob of server(host)/client thing. Like something working if you are the host (server side) but not if you are client (client side).

I can't help more, sorry.

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42 minutes ago, SuperDavid said:

I put this code in some my functions in modmain.lua then they don't effect the character if they're typing in chat, but I keep getting this crash if the world has caves on?

Your character on your side (client) has the HUD attached to itself. The dedicated server does not.

if inst.HUD and (inst.HUD:IsChatInputScreenOpen() or inst.HUD:IsConsoleScreenOpen()) then return end


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4 hours ago, DarkXero said:

Your character on your side (client) has the HUD attached to itself. The dedicated server does not.

if inst.HUD and (inst.HUD:IsChatInputScreenOpen() or inst.HUD:IsConsoleScreenOpen()) then return end

Thank you, now it doesn't  crash in world with caves but the code does not doing in world with caves even when I'm in console or in chat.

Is there a way to fix that or no?

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12 minutes ago, SuperDavid said:

Is there a way to fix that or no?

You have to present some context. I can only guess in what kind of spaghetti is this "tiny bit of code" used.

My best guess is that you have a key that triggers a transformation and you don't want the console interfering.

In that case you want to put that code in the function that sends the transformation RPC (ran by client), not the action itself (ran by server).

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18 hours ago, DarkXero said:

You have to present some context. I can only guess in what kind of spaghetti is this "tiny bit of code" used.

Sorry :wilson_dorky:!

Here's the entire code




local DODGE = GLOBAL.Action()
DODGE.str = "Dodge"
DODGE.fn = function(act)
	if act.target.HUD and (act.target.HUD:IsChatInputScreenOpen() or act.target.HUD:IsConsoleScreenOpen()) then return end




local function OnKeyPressed(inst, data)
  if data.inst == ThePlayer then
    if data.key == KEY_R then
      if TheWorld.ismastersim then
      BufferedAction(inst, inst, ACTIONS.DODGE):Do()
      SendRPCToServer(RPC.DoWidgetButtonAction, ACTIONS.DODGE.code, inst, ACTIONS.DODGE.mod_name)

local function common_postinit(inst)
	inst:ListenForEvent("keypressed", OnKeyPressed)


keyhandler.lua component


local KeyHandler = Class(function(self, inst)
    self.inst = inst
    self.handler = TheInput:AddKeyHandler(function(key, down) self:OnRawKey(key, down) end )
function KeyHandler:OnRawKey(key, down)
    local player = ThePlayer
      if (key and not down) and not IsPaused() then
          player:PushEvent("keypressed", {inst = self.inst, player = player, key = key})
    elseif key and down and not IsPaused() then
          player:PushEvent("keydown", {inst = self.inst, player = player, key = key})
return KeyHandler 



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23 minutes ago, SuperDavid said:


I was right.

local function OnKeyPressed(inst, data)
    if data.inst == ThePlayer then

        if data.key == KEY_R then
            if data.inst.HUD and (data.inst.HUD:IsChatInputScreenOpen() or data.inst.HUD:IsConsoleScreenOpen()) then return end

            if TheWorld.ismastersim then
                BufferedAction(inst, inst, ACTIONS.DODGE):Do()
                SendRPCToServer(RPC.DoWidgetButtonAction, ACTIONS.DODGE.code, inst, ACTIONS.DODGE.mod_name)



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