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I want to create a character who will refuse to eat spoiled food

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Overwrite ACTIONS.FEEDPLAYER somewhere in your mod.

ACTIONS.FEEDPLAYER.fn = function(act)
    if act.target ~= nil and
        act.target:IsValid() and
        act.target.sg:HasStateTag("idle") and
        not (act.target.sg:HasStateTag("busy") or
            act.target.sg:HasStateTag("attacking") or
            act.target.sg:HasStateTag("sleeping") or
            act.target:HasTag("playerghost")) and
        act.target.components.eater ~= nil and
        act.invobject.components.edible ~= nil and
        act.target.components.eater:CanEat(act.invobject) and
        (TheNet:GetPVPEnabled() or
        not (act.invobject:HasTag("badfood") or
            act.invobject:HasTag("spoiled"))) then

        if act.target.components.eater:PrefersToEat(act.invobject)
        	or (act.doer.HasTag("pickyeater")
        		and (not (act.target.components.perishable:IsStale() or act.target.components.perishable:IsSpoiled()))
        			or act.target.prefab ~= "monstermeat") then
            local food = act.invobject.components.inventoryitem:RemoveFromOwner()
            if food ~= nil then
                food.persists = false
                    (act.target:HasTag("beaver") and "beavereat") or
                    (food.components.edible.foodtype == FOODTYPE.MEAT and "eat") or
                return true
            act.target:PushEvent("wonteatfood", { food = act.invobject })
            return true -- the action still "succeeded", there's just no result on this end

This is what was changed about the above:

if act.target.components.eater:PrefersToEat(act.invobject)
	or (act.doer.HasTag("pickyeater")
		and (not (act.target.components.perishable:IsStale() or act.target.components.perishable:IsSpoiled()))
			or act.target.prefab ~= "monstermeat") then

Add the relevant tag to your mod (you can change this, I just chose "pickyeater" arbitrarily).


This should go in your common_postinit if you're using Dleiwolf's Extended Sample Character template. If not, it should go in whatever function is your fourth argument to MakePlayerCharacter.

To make it so you can't eat raw meat, add this:


To your master_postinit (or fifth argument to MakePlayerCharacter).


Alternatively, I think you can overwrite Eater:PrefersToEat. I'm not really sure unless I actually test it.

Edited by Yabumi
Forgot some parts.
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12 hours ago, Yabumi said:

ACTIONS.FEEDPLAYER.fn = function(act)
    if act.target ~= nil and
        act.target:IsValid() and
        act.target.sg:HasStateTag("idle") and
        not (act.target.sg:HasStateTag("busy") or
            act.target.sg:HasStateTag("attacking") or
            act.target.sg:HasStateTag("sleeping") or
            act.target:HasTag("playerghost")) and
        act.target.components.eater ~= nil and
        act.invobject.components.edible ~= nil and
        act.target.components.eater:CanEat(act.invobject) and
        (TheNet:GetPVPEnabled() or
        not (act.invobject:HasTag("badfood") or
            act.invobject:HasTag("spoiled"))) then

        if act.target.components.eater:PrefersToEat(act.invobject)
        	or (act.doer.HasTag("pickyeater")
        		and (not (act.target.components.perishable:IsStale() or act.target.components.perishable:IsSpoiled()))
        			or act.target.prefab ~= "monstermeat") then
            local food = act.invobject.components.inventoryitem:RemoveFromOwner()
            if food ~= nil then
                food.persists = false
                    (act.target:HasTag("beaver") and "beavereat") or
                    (food.components.edible.foodtype == FOODTYPE.MEAT and "eat") or
                return true
            act.target:PushEvent("wonteatfood", { food = act.invobject })
            return true -- the action still "succeeded", there's just no result on this end

After adding this code, my character refuses to eat vegetables. But monster meat and raw meat he eats. I didn't want this.

Edited by 732758_1452793731
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Sorry about that. I should've put a disclaimer that I hadn't tested it. This one I did test (attached file). It probably has a __MACOSX folder in it but you can ignore that since it does nothing on Windows.


local common_postinit = function(inst) 
	inst.MiniMapEntity:SetIcon( "esctemplate.tex" )


local master_postinit = function(inst)
	inst.soundsname = "willow"
  inst.components.combat.damagemultiplier = 1
	inst.components.hunger.hungerrate = 1 * TUNING.WILSON_HUNGER_RATE
	inst.OnLoad = onload
  inst.OnNewSpawn = onload

  inst.components.eater.PrefersToEat = function(self, inst)
    --V2C: fruitcake hack. see how long this code stays untouched - _-"
    return not (inst.prefab == "winter_food4" and self.inst:HasTag("player"))
        and self:TestFood(inst, self.preferseating)
        and not (self.inst:HasTag("pickyeater")
          and ((inst.components.perishable:IsStale() or inst.components.perishable:IsSpoiled())
            or inst.prefab == "monstermeat" or inst.prefab == "cookedmonstermeat" or inst.prefab == "monsterlasagna" or inst.prefab == "monstermeat_dried"
            or (inst:HasTag("edible_MEAT") and inst:HasTag("cookable"))))


Edited by Yabumi
Added the code to the post so downloads aren't really required.
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12 hours ago, Yabumi said:

Sorry about that. I should've put a disclaimer that I hadn't tested it. This one I did test (attached file). It probably has a __MACOSX folder in it but you can ignore that since it does nothing on Windows.


local common_postinit = function(inst) 
	inst.MiniMapEntity:SetIcon( "esctemplate.tex" )


local master_postinit = function(inst)
	inst.soundsname = "willow"
  inst.components.combat.damagemultiplier = 1
	inst.components.hunger.hungerrate = 1 * TUNING.WILSON_HUNGER_RATE
	inst.OnLoad = onload
  inst.OnNewSpawn = onload

  inst.components.eater.PrefersToEat = function(self, inst)
    --V2C: fruitcake hack. see how long this code stays untouched - _-"
    return not (inst.prefab == "winter_food4" and self.inst:HasTag("player"))
        and self:TestFood(inst, self.preferseating)
        and not (self.inst:HasTag("pickyeater")
          and ((inst.components.perishable:IsStale() or inst.components.perishable:IsSpoiled())
            or inst.prefab == "monstermeat" or inst.prefab == "cookedmonstermeat" or inst.prefab == "monsterlasagna" or inst.prefab == "monstermeat_dried"
            or (inst:HasTag("edible_MEAT") and inst:HasTag("cookable"))))


thank you very much. It really works.

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UHHH wait how do i make him eat MEAT ONLY not veg

i really am looking for that but UGH can't find anything that can help so please ;w;"

want my character to eat meat only 

i added strong stomach so its fine with monster meat 

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On 7/17/2017 at 10:49 PM, Yabumi said:

Sorry about that. I should've put a disclaimer that I hadn't tested it. This one I did test (attached file). It probably has a __MACOSX folder in it but you can ignore that since it does nothing on Windows.


local common_postinit = function(inst) 
	inst.MiniMapEntity:SetIcon( "esctemplate.tex" )


local master_postinit = function(inst)
	inst.soundsname = "willow"
  inst.components.combat.damagemultiplier = 1
	inst.components.hunger.hungerrate = 1 * TUNING.WILSON_HUNGER_RATE
	inst.OnLoad = onload
  inst.OnNewSpawn = onload

  inst.components.eater.PrefersToEat = function(self, inst)
    --V2C: fruitcake hack. see how long this code stays untouched - _-"
    return not (inst.prefab == "winter_food4" and self.inst:HasTag("player"))
        and self:TestFood(inst, self.preferseating)
        and not (self.inst:HasTag("pickyeater")
          and ((inst.components.perishable:IsStale() or inst.components.perishable:IsSpoiled())
            or inst.prefab == "monstermeat" or inst.prefab == "cookedmonstermeat" or inst.prefab == "monsterlasagna" or inst.prefab == "monstermeat_dried"
            or (inst:HasTag("edible_MEAT") and inst:HasTag("cookable"))))

UHHH wait how do i make him eat MEAT ONLY not veg

i really am looking for that but UGH can't find anything that can help so please ;w;"

want my character to eat meat only 

i added strong stomach so its fine with monster meat 


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2 hours ago, Kronas said:

UHHH wait how do i make him eat MEAT ONLY not veg

Put this code in YOURCHARACTER.lua inside the "master_postinit"

inst.components.eater:SetDiet({ FOODGROUP.OMNI }, { FOODTYPE.MEAT })


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1 hour ago, SuperDavid said:

Put this code in YOURCHARACTER.lua inside the "master_postinit"

inst.components.eater:SetDiet({ FOODGROUP.OMNI }, { FOODTYPE.MEAT })


OH MY GOD   you ARE still around   , i was losing hope thinking no helpful peeps around anymore so i kept seeking info as muhc as possible 

there is also a big issue i have 

you see 

i created 3 character mods

all of them work smoothly with no bugs 

but the only issue is 

i can't enable more then 1 of them

yes i used esctemplate example to create them all 

but for some reason they don't start a server together  like

i can only turn on 1 of them other wise the game will stop responding when i start generating the world

what could be the possible issues you may think of ?

i'm really dying for an answer to this issue 


Edited by Kronas
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