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Stress response central

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Welcome to stress response central! (Thanks to @xedlord (that's me (or at least what I like to think my name is))for the "great" name) its a place to put all your stress response idea's! Ok to start this off I have one. (This isn't completely thought out, it really just popped into my head) maybe if a dupe got to stressed they would... REVOLT!!!!!!!! I'm actually not at all sure what this would mean because my only inspiration was a mental image of a dupe with their fist raised to the air yelling REVOLT!!!!! 


So... yeah... well I did see this idea from someone in a stream chat: maybe if they got to stressed they would yell at other dupes increasing the other dupe's stress.

Wait a minute!!! I just got this idea while writing this maybe there would be dupes that would drop dead if they got to 100% stress.

Or maybe a dupe that would get faster as they got more stressed and would work more and more and faster and faster the more stressed they got but would eventually start messing things up! For example: they would start building things in the wrong places and deconstructing the wrong things, and and delivering the wrong things or delivering the right things to the wrong places, and accidentally put live duplicants in graves, which would cause you to have to dig them out! And the dupe would stop eating and sleeping and wouldn't go to the outhouse/lavatory and would eventually DIE*.



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