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Way to reveal loot stash on map?

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Hey, I was just wondering is there a way to pinpoint the loot stash on the map, using commands or something?

I know it could be considered "cheating" but I hate wasting time looking for it.

Any help is much appreciated ^_^

P.S I know it spawns in birchnut and mosaic biomes

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You could use c_gonext([here_comes_lootstash_prefab_which_I_forgot]) to get there immediately, so you wouldn't have to look for it (I know, once we searched it for 5 days...). It's not quite pinpointing but once you know where it is you can tell the others so that they'll also find it. 

Though as to my observations it's usually easy to find, you just have to walk along the main roads in the biomes and you'll find it if you're lucky! :) I had it just rarely far from any road.

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