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Periodic threat and more types of gases

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I think a periodic threat is good to increase the difficulty, like in don't starve that has the hound and the bosses.

More gases is good to expand the variety in the game. One of the gases can be nitrogen.

what do you think?

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There is already nitrogen in the game, but you can't find it (only in debug mode) because there is one important question that's not answered, what do you do with it?

You cannot have more gases for the sake of having more gases, if you want more elements then you are going to have to answer that question as well for each element.

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Or it means they started creating the game by playing with gases and how they act with each other and it's just one of the gases used then. Or it means they had an idea but it turned out not to be fun.

What ever the case, it still means there is still no good answer to the question of what do you do with it.

If by refrigeration you mean just cooling the base then you can already do that with any other gas. Please give descriptive replies and not just a single word or a single line that can be interpreted a million different ways.

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