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Ways to boil water without magma

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Hey there.


I was just wondering how do i get water boiled the most efficent way?  i tried it with several battery chunks where i built 12 big batteries in a row and flooded it with 17g water per s. anything above would just flood the room without boiling. So with four of those chunks i just got about 60 - 80g of clean water per second.


Is there any better way to boil?


A/C's seem to be better and coal/hydrogen generator seems to be best in terms of temperature but coal and hydrogen are no stable source and A/C's needs just way to much power i guess

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It's pretty much an issue of scale. <1000g of gas is going to have a notably harder time of heating higher quantities of water, so you more or less need to heat up a tile material to 1000c+ and build a floor out of it to quickly steam any quantity of water, since each tile is 200kg and will never cool down.

Unfortunately, the only way I know to heat up stuff that high in a timely fashion is by dropping it in magma. Though theoretically, if you leave 10000kg of building material in your steam chamber (split up into smaller amounts along each floor space), it should eventually heat up too. Just very, very slowly. Slower than it would take to dig down to magma, probably. (Also, unless you want your base to become 1000c too, those tiles better be completely enclosed with insulator tiles.)

Sadly you can't build tiles out of dirt, since you otherwise should have some quantity of 100c+ dirt from steaming, which would be better than nothing.

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i also started to build normal tiles between the batteries and the insulated tiles as those can heat up and help boiling. i also tried a pipe system running trough a hot room but even with minimal amounts of water there was 0 effect so just waste of ressources. Then i tried to build it stair like. So 2 batteries one down 2 batteries one down and so on  in hope the water will flow forwards but not cumulate to much with a higher output than the initial design... but also no luck with this ^^.

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As of current, player built objects will never change temperature, they will remain the exact temperature of what they were made of forever. So if you used materials that were 22-30c to make the tiles, of course they would have a negligible/negative effect on boiling.

The problem with all other attempts is, they rely on the gas in the room to boil the water, which will cool down in a chain reaction across the entire room as it's heating the water. No matter how you slice it, you'll always reach an amount of water that's too much for the system to handle without some very hot tiles to assist. Or until the dirt laying on the ground reaches high enough quantities to keep the room heated forever.

With super hot tiles (1000c+), you could throw in 10000kg of ice cold water into a vacuum and it would still instantly start making steam at an insane rate.

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