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Sugg. - Stress Responses and "Duct Tape"

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Only two stress responses I've seen so far are vomitting and lashing out. (Is that all there is?) I'd like to also suggest:

  • Shuts Down (Every once in a while stops what they're doing and refuses to work. Just rocks themselves back and forth.)
  • Sleeper (Randomly chooses to sleep.)
  • Moper (Walk slowly, work slowly. Kills productivity)
  • Loses Interest (Never finishes anything. Just gets to 80% and... walks away.)
  • Anger Sharer (Hunts down and yells at other duplicants, increasing their stress.)
  • Binge Eater (Doubled food intake!)
  • Compulsive Cleaner (Will shower and mop, but nothing else while they're having a fit.)
  • Hard Worker (Will. not. stop. working. Ignores food, bathroom, cleanliness, and sleep.)
  • High Anxiety (Runs faster when stressed randomly drops tasks as they think of other things THAT HAVE TO BE DONE.)

I figure it'd be good to have a more diverse list of responses, and more dynamic interactions. The two that I've seen are like "Spread The Pain", but that just means that once the stress starts, it just spirals out of control, because everyone Spreads, which causes everyone else to Spread, and once everyone's stressed, nobody gets anything done, and the Player ends up having to just make a new colony, because there's no coming back.

I feel like there should be some stress responses that are slow draws on resources, some that are sucking time, some that could maybe be useful, and some that are just basically removing that piece from the board until the problem is solved.

As it is, I kinda feel like we're tasked with building a house, but when we don't do it fast enough, our hand is tied behind our back. And that makes us work slower, which gets our other hand tied, which makes us work slower, which gets a leg tied up. Etc, etc.

Which brings me to me second, more vague suggestion: Duct Tape style solutions! More Temporary fixes for problems! Right now, when emergencies come up, there isn't really much of a way to respond to it. Everything pretty much comes down to "Should have prepared for it 12 days ago" which kills my interest pretty quickly. A good example of a temp fix: When a duplicant vomits, we can redirect people to mop! Another: When a duplicant is too stressed, we have the massage table!" But when faced with certain things, there's nothing quick and dirty. Let me blow through a battery or something just to get some quick Oxygen without 6 days of piping. It'll let me stretch the clock until I can get a more permanent solution in place. Let me build unstable things out of emergency ingredients, then have the thing light on fire in a spectacular fireball later on.

Point is: I'd like to able to convert large emergency problems into other problems. Or, to put it another way, a way to delay things, and cause myself new problems later.

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I like the idea of a more diverse stress pool. Some i'd like to see:
- Hyper ventilation: stops for a moment to emit extra CO2 then passes out for a short time.
- Panic attack: starts running around like crazy yelling around (a bit like your anger sharer)
- Crybaby: starts crying, really really loud. might produce some water on the spot.

- One with nature: can lower the stress by staring at plants.

- Suicide: pretty much explains it, ofcourse a higher medic duplicant can help prevents actual dead, but he'll keep trying

- Serial killer/agressive stress: this might be a bit hard, maybe he'll just randomly punch someone rather than something

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uhm the game is already to complicated.New players are very confused what to do.Making it more difficult is the worst ideea to an alpha game.Adding more complicated stuff will kill the game.Also try to imagine when you have 30 duplicates with different negatives ... how can you control that?its almost imposible

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3 hours ago, bonebreakerr said:

uhm the game is already to complicated.New players are very confused what to do.Making it more difficult is the worst ideea to an alpha game.Adding more complicated stuff will kill the game.Also try to imagine when you have 30 duplicates with different negatives ... how can you control that?its almost imposible

cmon...Its not team fortress. Games like that should be complicated, its main source of fun here. Maybe they should remove gas mechanic becouse its too confusing for new players? However if that additional stress mechanics should be added its another topic.

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the complicated it gets the less people want to play it.Why do i think that ? watch youtubers playing it for the first time ... it is a total disaster.You are forced to search  on google for info what everything dose.I must mention that when they play it all they do is dig a bit and thats about it ,they never get to the next part like making food or research.They just explore a bit 

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Im very little concerned of youtubers IQ shortages. I guess game in which you cant scream at something  on constant basics give problems when trying to increase  views amount. I needed one failed run to get hang on game mechanics. And Im certainly not some kind of fast learning genious.  

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1 hour ago, bonebreakerr said:

the complicated it gets the less people want to play it.Why do i think that ? watch youtubers playing it for the first time ... it is a total disaster.You are forced to search  on google for info what everything dose.I must mention that when they play it all they do is dig a bit and thats about it ,they never get to the next part like making food or research.They just explore a bit 

This i still alpha, that's why some things might be too hard at the moment.
So far you can make a basic base, with farms, oxygen, slime converters etc but for real long sustain you have to consume non renewable resources.
Also some people actually made bases based on strange mechanics that might not have been intended.
(contaminated water, making contaminated oxygen, change to steam with battery then cool it for water.)

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On 2/28/2017 at 0:22 AM, Ystogan said:

- Crybaby: starts crying, really really loud. might produce some water on the spot.

Now we just need a colony of permanently stressed Crybabies and we can sustain ourselves indefinitely on tears!

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16 hours ago, bonebreakerr said:

the complicated it gets the less people want to play it.Why do i think that ? watch youtubers playing it for the first time ... it is a total disaster.You are forced to search  on google for info what everything dose.I must mention that when they play it all they do is dig a bit and thats about it ,they never get to the next part like making food or research.They just explore a bit 

Average youtubers are also a terrible group to get your impressions from. You gotta look at people who played similar games like DF or Towns or other deep CMS-games, because that's the target audience and you can be pretty sure that Klei is very aware that the target audience isn't the type of people who say "this game is too complicated because it simulates too much stuff" when that is exactly the point of this particular branch in the CMS-genre.

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I have a couple of traits to add, both based on the idea that fire physics and explosions will be a factor at some point in the future:

Pyromanic - when this dupe gets stressed, they relieve it by setting something on fire. It's just a little fire, but as with any fire, it can spread super out of control. On the plus side, this dupe gets stress relief from being around fire!

Smoker - these dupes don't do anything hasty when stressed, but instead just light up and smoke to lessen their stress for a while. This leaves them idle for a short time, and creates contanimated oxygen while smoking, but is otherwise harmless....unless they light up in flammable gas.

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On 1-3-2017 at 3:59 AM, SubProgram32 said:

Smoker - these dupes don't do anything hasty when stressed, but instead just light up and smoke to lessen their stress for a while. This leaves them idle for a short time, and creates contanimated oxygen while smoking, but is otherwise harmless....unless they light up in flammable gas.

Please don't smoke in the H2 room mixed with O2 :p

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