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The Good/Bad/Ugly of 300&30

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Alright folks, figured it was time to post a base pic. 

Here is my base at cycle 200 and 20 dups, as well as 300 and 30 dups.

Base Strategy:

Basically I went with a puke-only dup strategy and took advantage of every exploit in the game right now.  Sickness doesn't matter.  Puke is actually helpful when you can catch it and purify it.  Meal Lice and Bitter Blossoms are the only way to go, since they require zero water.  The tricky part of farming is pressure and temperature control, so I use a cooled air pump system that works wonders.  At this point, my primary limiters are sand and slime, but as you can see I've got sand enough to last another 900 Cycles, and the map is pretty much ALL slime.  So I would imagine I could hold steady here and make it to Cycle 1000 and beyond!  Once sand is gone (non-renewable) I will continue to work on my distillery project.  You can't see it in the pictures but I have a shaft to the bottom of the map where I pumped contaminated water to create steam.  However, I was unable to effectively cool that steam down into water in a reliable way.  Will try again in the future for sure. 

Here is the Good-Bad-Ugly:

Love the art and animation style
Love the focus on science
Love the future balance between oxygen, food, stress, temperature, pressure, etc
Love the idea hybrid sims/ant farm/survival

Bad (bugs):
Air and water valves do not seem to function at all when placed over existing pipes
Air and water filters do not save filter choice upon reload [fixed 2/23]
Dups stuck between pathing and die upon path resolution
Steam does not cool in the air conditioner (note all the AC units I attempted to use to cool it)
Machines output tiny 1000g items that are picked up a thousand times (similar issues with small water puddles)
Unable to empty/sweep bottles on the ground
Items appear to retain the temperature of the materials used to make them. forever.
Abyssalite does not appear to actual cool down anything in contact with it.
Seemingly random complete crashes when I mouse click in and out of the game a lot (no crash report window)
Significant lag (game/engine related, not PC as nothing was maxing out) past cycle 150ish and ~20 dups.  Constant lag issues at 300 cycles and 30 dups.
Ugly (gameplay/mechanics):
There appears to be no downside to getting sick at the moment
Choosing 100% vomit dups is OP if you build your base to collect it all
Would love to see a secondary filtration to sand.  Or a way to create sand from something else.
That being said, for an alpha game there is a significant amount of gameplay here! Although a significant amount of it is exploits.
Thanks for looking!



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Nice run! I'm no fan of the vomiting/contaminated O2 strategy, but it works.

As you mentioned to be using every exploit in the game, why not abuse the thermal function of tiles for your distillery room?

What you do is throw down minerals (granite) into that magma area, let the minerals heat up to whatever temp you want. Sweep it and build with it. Now this tile is incredibly hot, will change the surrounding gasses/liquids accordingly and meanwhile never lose it's temperature. As tiles seem static for now. (natural blocks do change temps)

Now to cool down your steam you do the reverse. Cool down minerals to build a cooling room and voila, no energy needed in thermal mechanics :D

The reason abyssalite does not cool anything, is because of it's thermal conductivity value of 0.

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1 hour ago, Radje said:

Nice run! I'm no fan of the vomiting/contaminated O2 strategy, but it works.

As you mentioned to be using every exploit in the game, why not abuse the thermal function of tiles for your distillery room?

What you do is throw down minerals (granite) into that magma area, let the minerals heat up to whatever temp you want. Sweep it and build with it. Now this tile is incredibly hot, will change the surrounding gasses/liquids accordingly and meanwhile never lose it's temperature. As tiles seem static for now. (natural blocks do change temps)

Now to cool down your steam you do the reverse. Cool down minerals to build a cooling room and voila, no energy needed in thermal mechanics :D

The reason abyssalite does not cool anything, is because of it's thermal conductivity value of 0.

These are great ideas! Thank you!

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