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Use variable in custom meter

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I wanted to make a new meter with a world stat instead of player stat. I already found a few topics here that helped me put an actual meter in game (for now it's just a lazy copy of the beaverness badge, I'll change that later).

Anyway, I'm still stuck since I have no idea how to actually get a variable and show it there... Here is what I achieved so far:



-- modmain.lua

local sw = GLOBAL.require "widgets/shadowwidget"

AddClassPostConstruct("widgets/statusdisplays", function(self)
	self.shadow = self:AddChild(sw(self.owner))
	self.shadow:SetPosition(-117, 20, 0)


-- shadowwidget.lua

local Badge = require "widgets/badge"
local UIAnim = require "widgets/uianim"

local function OnIsFullMoon(inst, isfullmoon)
    inst.widget.isfullmoon = isfullmoon

local TestBadge = Class(Badge, function(self, owner)
    Badge._ctor(self, "beaver_meter", owner)

    self.sanityarrow = self.underNumber:AddChild(UIAnim())

    self.inst:WatchWorldState("isfullmoon", OnIsFullMoon)
    self.isfullmoon = TheWorld.state.isfullmoon
    self.val = 100
    self.arrowdir = nil

function TestBadge:UpdateArrow()
    local anim = self.isfullmoon and self.val > 0 and "arrow_loop_decrease_most" or "neutral"
    if self.arrowdir ~= anim then
        self.arrowdir = anim
        self.sanityarrow:GetAnimState():PlayAnimation(anim, true)

function TestBadge:SetPercent(val, max)
    Badge.SetPercent(self, val, max)
    self.val = val

return TestBadge



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I'm not sure either, I just copied the beaverness bagde because I wasn't able to make one for myself xD I tried to use SetPercent before but it didn't work, I even took a peek at statusdisplay.lua but it's really confusing.

Could you or someone else, explain to me how and where should I call SetPercent to update the meter based on a variable?

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There are a couple of ways you could do it. Depending on what it is measuring, you can assign a listener for when the value changes, it pushes an event to the clients with the SetPercent function. What exactly are you trying to measure?

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I want to measure a new player stat, it's supposed to be a meter that keeps draining and the only way to refill it is by killing monsters (the amount is defined by the mob's attack damage, pretty much like wigfrid's perk). Once the meter gets to zero, you die.

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Your best bet would be to use the base entity function DoPeriodicTask() for lowering it over time. The arguments it takes are a delta_time, targetFunction, then the required function variables. For the combat portion, you'll need to have your variable use the ListenForEvent function, which will use the "killed" tag. For actually setting it up, Doing a PostInit on another character component wouldn't hurt. For instance, you could add it to health as long as you don't overwrite or change any of the functions associated with it and just use it as a storage place.

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