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low sanity meteor spawner

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Hey guys, I've been studying the "meteorshower.lua", "Meteorspawner.lua", "meteorwarning.lua", "shadowmeteor.lua" and "terrain_rocky.lua" files, and I was wondering if it is possible to make a character mod that spawns a meteor shower when his sanity gets low, a same meteor shower that happens randomly at the Rocky biomes, it would be something like this:

sanity reachs 30, it will spawn a level 1 meteor shower;

if sanity reachs 20 it will spawn a level 2 meteor shower;

and if sanity reachs 10 it will spawn a level 3 meteor shower;

if sanity reachs 0 another level 3 meteor shower will spawn.

is it possible to make something like that?

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@RaymondFoxford in the master_postinit:

if inst.components.meteorshower.task then --it automatically scheduled a shower
	inst.components.meteorshower:StopShower() --remove the automatically-scheduled shower
--override the StartCooldown on this particular component instance so it does not schedule more showers after completing one
inst.components.meteorshower.StartCooldown = inst.components.meteorshower.StopShower
--Watch sanity to know when to trigger the showers
inst:ListenForEvent("sanitydelta", function(inst, data)
	--data provides the oldpercent and newpercent for sanity, so it is easier to do thresholds in percents
	--... but you could convert like this
	local oldsanity = data.oldpercent * inst.components.sanity.max
	local newsanity = data.newpercent * inst.components.sanity.max
	local level = nil
	if newsanity <= 0 and oldsanity > 0 or newsanity <= 10 and oldsanity > 10 then
    	level = 3
    elseif newsanity <= 20 and oldsanity > 20 then
    	level = 2
    elseif newsanity <= 30 and oldsanity > 30 then
    	level = 1
    if level then --we passed a threshold and need to spawn a shower


Edited by rezecib
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17 hours ago, rezecib said:

@RaymondFoxford in the master_postinit:

if inst.components.meteorshower.task then --it automatically scheduled a shower
	inst.components.meteorshower:StopShower() --remove the automatically-scheduled shower
--override the StartCooldown on this particular component instance so it does not schedule more showers after completing one
inst.components.meteorshower.StartCooldown = inst.components.meteorshower.StopShower
--Watch sanity to know when to trigger the showers
inst:ListenForEvent("sanitydelta", function(inst, data)
	--data provides the oldpercent and newpercent for sanity, so it is easier to do thresholds in percents
	--... but you could convert like this
	local oldsanity = data.oldpercent * inst.components.sanity.max
	local newsanity = data.newpercent * inst.components.sanity.max
	local level = nil
	if newsanity <= 0 and oldsanity > 0 or newsanity <= 10 and oldsanity > 10 then
    	level = 3
    elseif newsanity <= 20 and oldsanity > 20 then
    	level = 2
    elseif newsanity <= 30 and oldsanity > 30 then
    	level = 1
    if level then --we passed a threshold and need to spawn a shower


It worked! Thank you so much! :D

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