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How to make an item pickable, so it takes longer to pick it up?

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I tried it with the pickable component, but I still can pick it up like a normal item...

local function MakeSlowPick(inst) -- to make it harder to collect and run, without defeating the enemies
AddPrefabPostInit("teleportato_box", MakeSlowPick)


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I don't know if it's possible. So i can't really help you. What i know is that if the teleportato things are set piece, you could try to make a scenario, maybe ?

Like, putting this in a chest, it will require time to open the chest and it's a dangerous thing to do with enemies around.

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Do you know how to add scenarios and set_pieces?

I think scenarios and set_pieces have huge potential and it is sad that the game devs only made a few.
But the set_piece scripts look very complicated ... and I have no clue how to make my own:
Don't Starve Together\data\scripts\map\static_layouts

But I could simply search for the parts, spawn a chest near them, and then transfer them into the chest. That should work.
Adding a custom scenario would also be nice, since I could make my own trap chests :)
But how to add a scenario?

One way the pickable thing might be possible is to add a helper thing. I mean like tallbirdnest + tallbirdegg. The nest has the pickable component and takes a time to harvest an egg. I fear I have to do a simular thing with the teleportato parts...

Edited by Serpens
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Making set piece :

You need tiled, you can find it in don't starve mod tools.

You also needs a ground.tsx, but i guess (and hope) it's in the tiled repertory of don't starve mod tools.


Also, you can edit a existing set piece if you just want to change some prefabs. It will work fine even with custom prefabs.


For example, i guess you could make a "my_teleportato_box" that will be the same than the actual set piece, except that you can replace the "teleportato_box" with a chest, and add a scenario that will tell "the chest contain "teleportato_box""


For the scenario part :

          name = "",
          type = "treasurechest",
          shape = "rectangle",
          x = 130,
          y = 190,
          width = 61,
          height = 64,
          visible = true,
          properties = {
            ["scenario"] = "chest_food"

Here is the

          properties = {
            ["scenario"] = "chest_food"

for the "default_plus_start"

In scenarios, you have :


chestfunctions = require("scenarios/chestfunctions")

local function OnCreate(inst, scenariorunner)

	local items = 
			item = "meat",
			count = 8,
			item = "berries",
			count = 8,
			item = "seeds",
			count = 10,
			item = "carrot",
			count = 2,
			item = "pumpkin",
			count = 2,
			item = "dragonfruit",
			count = 2,
			item = "eggplant",
			count = 2,
			item = "tallbirdegg",
			count = 1,
	chestfunctions.AddChestItems(inst, items)

	OnCreate = OnCreate


So i suppose you could use the same kind of function to make a scenario when the thing is in a chest.

I suppose, because i'm not  confident enough to try scenario at the moment. But you could do things like spawning monster (the sleepingspider_spiderambush.lua) or make the user lose sanity when picking an item (staff_hound), or waking sleeping monster when picking an item (same setpiece) and others stuffs that could be great for a challenge mod.


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thank you :)
But where to put the scennario code? At the moment the only mods I made used modmain only.
Can I put all of this also in the modmain?
I mean for adding a Recipe you need "AddRecipe". Is there something like this for scenario? Or how do I let the game know, that I want to add a scenario?

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hmm, i guess it's like prefab and all, probably a "scenarios" folder with the scenario.lua

And the "scenario.lua" is asked by the property of one item of the set piece.

The only mod with scenario i've seen was a now deleted mod on the workshop. I'm not sure it's ok to put it here.


And this example mod, but mosts parts are probably not working anymore, it's old. I guess the structure of folder could still ok.

Set Pieces.zip

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56 minutes ago, Lumina said:

hmm, i guess it's like prefab and all, probably a "scenarios" folder with the scenario.lua

And the "scenario.lua" is asked by the property of one item of the set piece.

The only mod with scenario i've seen was a now deleted mod on the workshop. I'm not sure it's ok to put it here.


And this example mod, but mosts parts are probably not working anymore, it's old. I guess the structure of folder could still ok.

Set Pieces.zip

thanks :)

I remebered the Mod Multi-Worlds DST :) And it has scenarios and set_pieces, I will use this as help :)

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The pickable component can help, yes.

local function PickedFn(inst, data)
	local picker = data and data.picker
	if picker and picker.components.inventory then
		local pos = inst:GetPosition()
		picker.components.inventory:GiveItem(inst, nil, pos)

local function MakeSlowPick(inst)
	if inst.components.inventoryitem then
		inst.components.inventoryitem.canbepickedup = false
		inst:ListenForEvent("picked", PickedFn)

AddPrefabPostInit("teleportato_box", MakeSlowPick)


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