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Help with 'tweaking' Minotaur (Ancient Guardian)

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Hello and good day to everyone.

I am in need of making Minotaur respawn every 20 days (9,600 total_day_time, 288,000 seg_time I think)

Currently if I'm not wrong Ancient Guardian doesn't respawn so when he dies he stays dead forever.

Other than than that I wanna change the minotaur's chest loot.

Also is it possible when a character is on fire you can make a quote where Wilson for instant says "I'm burning!" Willow "YES! Hug me flames!", etc

And last one: how to make for instant when a Houndious Shootious dies it has 25-25 chance to drop either a minotaur horn or a deerclops eyeball if a deerclops eyeball drops the horn will NOT drop and same opposite the other 50% will result into nothing dropping.

Thanks very much, enjoy your day.


Edited by mathem99
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5 hours ago, DarkXero said:

I hacked in a simple respawner, but you should consider using Rezecib's upcoming mod for guardian tweaks.


Uhm I did some testing and the minotaur will only respawn in 20 days IF you are in the caves if you are on the overworld and 20 days passes it won't affect the minotaur respawn at all so it means he won't respawn if players are on the overworld.

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17 hours ago, DarkXero said:

Should be fixed now.

Also included the string cooldown.


Sadly minotaur still doesn't respawn....

EDIT: Doing further testing...

EDIT: Yes! It works! You are a miracle worker!

Also the cooldown works like a charm. Is there a way to make a quote take place after 2 seconds? (I made custom quotes when you respawn and because I want it to take place right after you get resurrected somewhat 2.33 seconds it is because when someone gives you heart/haunt amulet the quote plays while you are still a ghost/while you are levitating [when you haunt amulet you levitate for a little bit] I want it to take place 2.33 seconds AFTER you get resurrected, thanks again)

Thanks a bunch.

Edited by mathem99
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10 hours ago, mathem99 said:

Is there a way to make a quote take place after 2 seconds?

local DELAY = 2.33

inst:ListenForEvent("startfiredamage", function(inst)
	inst:DoTaskInTime(DELAY, function(inst)
		inst.components.talker:Say(GLOBAL.GetString(inst, "ANNOUNCE_FIREDAMAGE"))


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