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Add Steamworks friend status information

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Currently when a friend is on a server and you check 'View game info' it returns that "<friend> is not currently playing on any game server." with a Join game button highlighted.

Current (name redacted for privacy of the user, taken without permission):




Since the client has the option to join the friend, then the Steamworks' ISteamFriends->SetRichPresence("connect", <details>) is already being used.


I'd also recommend using Steamworks' ISteamFriends->SetRichPresence("status", <details>) to show the current player's server name, player count, and current day/season that updates periodically.

The function also supports newlines in the string and will be formatted as such in the box for ease of reading.


Here is a mockup of it using Steamworks' SDK:


SteamFriends()->SetRichPresence("status", "<Server name>\n6/100 players\nWinter\nDay 512");


Something like this would be seemingly simple to include while adding large value to the users who play the game on the Steam platform.

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