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Need some general advice for starting a Dedicated Server

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So I'm thinking about starting a dedicated server for a world set up I'm working on, but I need a bit of advice for a few technical issues.

First, I need to set up the server so as to minimize lag as much as possible. The server needs to be able to handle large rendering stress since this world is a bit memory-heavy.

second, is it possible to set a pre-existing server to dedicated? If not, is there a way to copy the world from one server onto another server, dedicated or not?

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The best way to minimize lag as much as possible is to use little to no mods at all if you're planning on using mods on the server. There are quite a handful of popular mods out there that are prone to strain servers and introduce lag. If your server specs can handle it though, everything should be fine. If your first question was mainly about how to improve server performance through hardware upgrades, then sadly I don't have the necessary knowledge to give advice on that matter. Here's the DST Server Requirements Klei Article, which was updated last May 09, 2016. The game has been updated quite a lot since then so I don't know if simply meeting the requirements would guarantee a lagless server.

For your second question, yes it is possible to set a pre-existing server (assuming you meant a server generated through the in-client Host Game screen) to dedicated. You'd just have to rename the cluster_# into something else (so the DST Host Game screen can't access it anymore), then making sure you start up the dedicated server tool to run from that new directory file name you made. I only have experience with using steamcmd for a dedicated server (I have outdated knowledge about properly running a server through the steam tools) but the overall process should be the same (I believe).

If you want to move the world data/information between servers, you'd only have to copy over the save folder of the Master and Caves folders from under the Cluster_# you want, then paste them in your new dedicated server folder's respective Master and Caves folder. Just be sure that you're not currently playing in the Cluster_# server from the Host Game screen(the server you're copying FROM) AND that the dedicated server isn't active (the server you're copying TO) when you move files over.

I hope that helps atleast, cheers.

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