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Looking for non-casuals to disintegrate worlds into dust and shadows...

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Topic pretty much says it all... DST lacks purpose when you master it, so Im up to find a few guys and start wiping 18+ days survival servers with pvp on. However to make it fun I think some role-playing should be involved, like, we join random server and start dicking around. enhancing world with some signs of doom coming... To force people make sacrifices or something... Until we get bored and deside to put it to an end! Simply joining and zerging everything with a torch is not really an option(but I will surely burn forests to ashes whenever I get bored!). Killing everyone with magic stuff and artifacts should be way more fun instead... Also forcing others to participate in roleplay sounds really neat to me, but it requires some online on the server and some skill from those who think they are ready to try it out. Loosing to others is not an option!

I am from mother Russia eastern europe myself and used to PvE at 0-180 ping. Wasn't participating much in pvp though, since its imbalanced or overwhelmed with mods. Yeaaah.... Lets blaze some worlds for fun! http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043047611/

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