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Follower Fighting Issue

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Does your follower stategraph have a


or a

EventHandler("doattack", function(inst, data)
	inst.sg:GoToState("attack", data.target)



ChaseAndAttack behaviour doesn't generate an attack action.

Instead, it uses the TryAttack function of the combat component, pushing the doattack event.

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If you have

inst.components.combat:SetRange(attack, hit)

then verify that hit is greater or equal than attack. Which means that attacks will start and finish outside the hit range.


If you don't have a


then the damage will be 0, which would look like the attack doesn't do anything.


There's also the possibility that you are screwing up something in your stategraph attack state.

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1 hour ago, DarkXero said:

If you have

inst.components.combat:SetRange(attack, hit)

then verify that hit is greater or equal than attack. Which means that attacks will start and finish outside the hit range.


If you don't have a


then the damage will be 0, which would look like the attack doesn't do anything.


There's also the possibility that you are screwing up something in your stategraph attack state.

I have both of those so that probably isn't the issue. As for stategraph, the follower i'm making is a "character" so I'm using SGWilson's stategraph. I added the evenlistener for "doattack" that you mentioned earlier in the follower's .lua. The follower can change the item in its EQUIPSLOTS.HANDS but it doesn't seem like having nothing or anything in its hand changes anything. The follower seems to give up attacking after 1 attack too

Edited by Aquaterion
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27 minutes ago, Aquaterion said:

I have both of those so that probably isn't the issue. As for stategraph, the follower i'm making is a "character" so I'm using SGWilson's stategraph. I added the evenlistener for "doattack" that you mentioned earlier in the follower's .lua. The follower can change the item in its EQUIPSLOTS.HANDS but it doesn't seem like having nothing or anything in its hand changes anything. The follower seems to give up attacking after 1 attack too

Of course.

wilson stategraph has an attack state that relies on having an ACTIONS.ATTACK used to reach the attack state.


You can use SGshadowwaxwell, that is like a character, but uses the doattack event (via CommonHandlers.OnAttack()).


Or if you want to keep the wilson stategraph, something like:

EventHandler("doattack", function(inst, data)
	if inst.components.health and not inst.components.health:IsDead() and (not inst.sg:HasStateTag("busy") or inst.sg:HasStateTag("hit")) then
		local buffered_attack = BufferedAction(inst, data.target, ACTIONS.ATTACK)

which on the doattack event, it triggers an attack action for the actionhandler.

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The function you provided didn't seem to work. While I wouldn't mind using the SGshadowwaxwell which I didn't know they already put in, would some things be missing, such as "equip animation"?

I think I got it to work, not sure what fixed it as I did multiple changes at once, but I copied shadowwaxwell's way of fighting and removed the first thing you told me to add; inst.sg:GoToState(...)

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I'm still having issues with this follower, I even copied the shadow maxwell brain and only changed the IFNode conditions, their attacks get cancelled too early most times and they try to move into the target, I even let in the dance thing and when I dance, they just walk to me, push me a bit, and dont dance at all. Most times when attacking they do 1 swing and start following again, as if they forgot they were in combat, and after a second or two, they remember again and go try do another swing and repeat the process.

Any Idea what could be wrong @DarkXero ? I do have a KeepTargetFunction and RetargetFunction for the combat component.

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3 hours ago, Aquaterion said:

I even copied the shadow maxwell brain and only changed the IFNode conditions, their attacks get cancelled too early most times and they try to move into the target, I even let in the dance thing and when I dance, they just walk to me, push me a bit, and dont dance at all.

Because SGwilson doesn't handle the dance event pushed by shadowwaxwellbrain for dancing.

Unlike SGshadowwaxwell.

3 hours ago, Aquaterion said:

Most times when attacking they do 1 swing and start following again, as if they forgot they were in combat, and after a second or two, they remember again and go try do another swing and repeat the process.

SGwilson's attack state has on the onexit function (that runs after they exit the state):


Which means they forget the target until next retargeting done by the combat component.

Edited by DarkXero
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