More Clockworks?

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King, Queen, and Pawn don't exist (At least as far as I am aware). King could be crazy durable but not very powerful and queen would be crazy powerful yet have mediocre HP, and pawn would just suck.

King - 1800 HP, only has a simple melee attack (Other pieces will always aggro if the king is in combat). Drops 3 gears, 2 gold, an orange, yellow, and green gems.

Queen - 900 HP, has a laser attack like the bishop except is spreads making a larger cone shape. Drops 3 gears, 2 gold, a red, blue, and purple gems.

Pawn - 450 HP, weak melee attack. Drops 1 gear.

They could spawn in a rare large chessboard set-piece (Along with the ones already in). My only concern is balance stuff, I imagine the lot of extra gears could be kind of OP.

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