N-Umi - agent mod


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Agent N-Umi is a drone technology master, can deploy a smaller drone who act as extra agent. Can buy power through an exclusive channels.

Skill: Hacking
Starting items: PWR fo CR ability augment, neural disrupter, spider drone kit.
Augment ability allow her to buy 1 PWR for 94 CR and 1 movement point. Drone kit work as 1 charge item and consume 6 PWR when used, refills between missions or by charge pack.
Drone have a light weight and can't pin guards, can't perform melee attacks, can carry just one item without encumbrance. Have 8 movement points. Can use consoles, loot safes, operate terminals. Can be shutted down.
Be careful: some looted items like pieces of FTM tech carried by drone can dissapear without giving money. Weapons, devices and Incognita power cells works ok. Though better not take risk with taking more items than can fit into M0nst3r stash (8).

To install: unzip into InvisibleInc\mods\


перевод на русский в папке ru_lang, инструкция там же

Special thanks to 
JeysieC for English text rework 
AndrewRi for Russian text rework.


Wireframes if needed:


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Another great mod! Thank man, I will have a field day with this. Initial impressions:

- After few missions, I think this agent is balanced for the most part. Drone is very helpful at scouting the map and distracting guards, but it definitely can't replace a normal agent. Buying PWR is fine, but at late game (especially in endless) player can accumulate a ton of money, making this purchase a bargain. I suggest price scaling with either mission difficulty or number of days (this also makes sense lore-wise, as making transactions incognito becomes more difficult with corps increasing their security).

- When making descriptions, please add precise informations to them. Blue flavor text is fine, but white text should give player every relevant information that is not already covered by arrow pointers.


My suggestions are:

SPIDER_CTRL_TIP = "Buy 1 PWR for 94 CR through an exclusive channels. Uses 1 AP.",

SPIDER_CAN_TIP = "Throw to deploy a Spider drone.",

SPIDER_OFF = "Self-destruct",

SPIDER_OFF_DESC = "Eliminate this unit. WARNING: Drone will leave a corpse, alerting a guard that discovers it.",

- While I don't mind lack of wireframes, having one of any of your character mods disables cover indicator, even when "no wireframes" options are disabled in campaign settings:


Again, I don't mind, but this indicator is helpful at telling less experienced players how cover will protect them from getting spotted.

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Upd: Can you imagine it, with initial upload I forgot to make grp animation and when N-Umi was down and dragged by another agent she used Banks "model" >_<
+ I didn't made atlas.

Now both issues are fixed: her own model when dragged and textues in atlas (size is lesser, loads faster I guess).

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upd: thanks to VAlex and Wodzu_93 who separatedly convinced me to do it, hud fix: cover shields, camera "rec" message etc works with wireframes off.
All my other agent mods updated with it too.

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I wanted to say I really like this mod. I've been having fun with with the drone so far. (Been a bit too broke to buy power as of yet.) It's really handy having a third eye and hand, plus it's really adorable. It's like a little baby drone!

I was wondering if you'd accept some proofreading/copyediting suggestions, though. I hope that doesn't sound offensive; just I used to work as a secretary so it used to be my job to notice and suggest that sort of thing. :) 

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15 hours ago, JeysieC said:

I was wondering if you'd accept some proofreading/copyediting suggestions, though. I hope that doesn't sound offensive; just I used to work as a secretary so it used to be my job to notice and suggest that sort of thing

Yes. English a foreign language for me.

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OK, I thought that might be the case, but I didn't want to make an assumption. X3

I've highlighted the words I've changed or added in red so as to hopefully make it easier to see what I did. If I misinterpreted what you meant at any point, let me know.

  • Can deploy "spider drone" who act as extra agent,
  • Can deploy a "spider drone" which acts as an extra agent,


  • N-Umi doesn't have one and will looks a bit off with that option disabled.
  • N-Umi doesn't have one and will look a bit off with that option disabled.


  • Umiko - third daughter of professor Nakagawa, choose to follow path of her father who was a cutting-edge cyberneticist of current age.
  • Umiko, the third daughter of Professor Nakagawa, chose to follow the path of her father who was a cutting-edge cyberneticist of the modern age.

(Actually, I admit I wasn't 100% sure here what you meant by "current" age; I hope I guessed right.)


  • After several years of exemplary work, she was promoted and authorised to gain access to highly secured data. Umiko knows this only from encrypted message that she sent to herself shortly after.
  • After several years of exemplary work, she was promoted and authorised to gain access to highly secured data. Umiko knows this only because of an encrypted message that she sent to herself shortly afterwards.


  • Being worried and scared to have part of her memory erased she vanished from corporate society. Year later she appeared on Invisible's channels with intention to offer her services for a chance to recover her memories.
  • Worried and scared by having part of her memory erased, she vanished from corporate society. Years later she appeared on Invisible's channels with an intention to offer her services for a chance to recover her memories.


  • Existing: Sadly, there's no really "special" equipment around. Just a common stuff.
  • Suggestion: Sadly, there's no really "special" equipment around. Just common stuff.


  • Existing: Neither rain, neither a snow, neither even a hurricane, nothing can be heard through those walls.
  • Suggestion: Neither rain, nor snow, nor even a hurricane; nothing can be heard through those walls.


  • Existing: Levitating drones a bit noisy, coolant problem.
  • Suggestion: Levitating drones are a bit noisy. Coolant problem, you see.


  • Existing: I prefer walking models of drones. Though wheeled models fun too.
  • Suggestion: I prefer walking models of drones. Though wheeled models are fun, too.


  • Existing: A final page of this story.
  • Suggestion: The final page of this story.


  • Existing: This agent can buy PWR through an exclusive channels.
  • Suggestion: This agent can buy PWR through exclusive channels.


  • Private access to inter-corporate bidding network allow this agent to buy energy for cost of some time and money. Tiny portions from different places to avoid attention.
  • Private access to the inter-corporate bidding network allows this agent to buy energy for the cost of some time and money. Draws tiny portions from different places to avoid attention.


  • Remotely controlled light weight cybernetic spiders can scout area, perform basic field tasks and operate simple mechanisms.
  • Remotely controlled lightweight cybernetic spiders can scout the area, perform basic field tasks and operate simple mechanisms.
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