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A unique dance and taunt emote for everyone

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I think all characters should have their own dancing and "taunt" animations. Yes, i know /dance exists but it's the same for everyone so it gets boring fast. I think it would be really cool if this was added and i'll say my reasons:

-A lot of popular games have it: World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Team Fortress 2 are 3 big games that i play(ed) that have dance/taunt emotes. I know some other less known and i'm sure other big games also have it. 

-It makes everyone even more unique: League of Legends has thousands of characters and yet every single one of them has a unique dance/taunt/joke that works for them. Even characters nobody cares are remembered because his/her dance/taunt is a reference to a popular thing. I think every Don't Starve character is different and as such, should have fitting unique dance/taunt.

-It wouldn't be that hard to implement: It doesn't have to be something super convoluted. A 2-3 second animation loop of WX-78 doing a robot dance or Wolfgang striking random bodybuilder poses is more than enough. DST only has 10 characters for now.

-Everybody likes to have fun: Team Fortress 2 wouldn't be the same thing without taunts. It's nice to kill someone, but it's 80x better if you do it and LAUGH at his corpse right after (which will probably get you killed but it's still worth it). When i have to wait the gates, i join a conga line until it opens. Those aren't the reasons i play but they're still one of the best parts. I'm sure a lot of people would love to dance over a dragonfly corpse or saying a badass oneliner after killing someone in pvp.

Well, that's what i have. I dont know what are the chances of this suggestion getting in but i would appreciate any kind of criticism or ideas.

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I'd also like laugh emotes, /laugh would do for the command.  Just have the character point and laugh in whatever direction he/she is looking.  There are many situations where this would do; pointing at someone's mistake, like his lantern-wielding corpse that died of darkness or a terribly placed flingo; or pointing at something funny happening in the world, like frogs killing moslings, or a pig war.

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On 08/02/2016 at 9:32 PM, KitcheVadimas said:

I'd also like laugh emotes, /laugh would do for the command.  Just have the character point and laugh in whatever direction he/she is looking.  There are many situations where this would do; pointing at someone's mistake, like his lantern-wielding corpse that died of darkness or a terribly placed flingo; or pointing at something funny happening in the world, like frogs killing moslings, or a pig war.

I would do anything for a /schadenfreude





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