(Bug) Crash when sailing on medium-depth water

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So I'll do this like you demonstrated in the Bug template:

Platform: Linux (ElementaryOS Freya)

Do you use Mods?: No

Version Number: Rev. 165403 LINUX_STEAM

Steps to reproduce: Load my save file (see attachments), build a Thatch Sail and attach it to the row boat, sail of into the medium-depth waters left of the bottom island.

Describe your issue: The game crashed three times for me, every time I tried so sail over there. I did not experience this behavior anywhere else (that said, I never sailed in medium-depth water anywhere else). I attached a screenshot and the log file in case you cannot reproduce the issue.


Thanks for making such an awesome game, I hope this is helpful :)



Screenshot from 2016-02-07 00:19:27.png

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