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What do you think is a fair trade?

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Haiya! I'm here to ask a question that some people who are new or experienced in trading (DST items specifically) ask, which is : What do you think is a fair trade for all item qualities?

This is of course opinion wise since this trading community doesn't really have prices set, so what do you think?

Reply to this thread with your thoughts and opinions.

No opinion is wrong of course as, it's YOUR opinion.

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Originally, trading is supposed to be between DST players, basically 1:1 trade. And if a players is really looking for something, it is pretty reasonable that he adds something extra to the deal.

Using other item, e.g. tf2 keys, to trade DST skins is a bit tricky. Some players are buying DST skins with tf2 keys on the forum, so if you see someone with a bunch of elegants, then he/she probably bought his/her way up. On one hand ,those with tf2 keys that want to buy DST skins try to reduce their buying price by claiming that DST skins are not worth xx. Usually they would say that you get it for free while tf2 key can be sold for dollars. So, you should be grateful that I am giving you 1 tf2 key instead of 1 refined metal. You can also see such claims as 'there is no way the distinguished xx is worth xx keys'. On the other hand, for those who play DST, it's fair to say that the chance to get a distinguished/elegant skin is rare. It could take months of play to get one. And when they want to sell one, they hope it's worthwhile.

I think for those who try to buy with tf2 keys, the value of DST skin is that he/she does not need to play the game for years to get those distinguished/elegant skins to make him/her feel look good. So, this pretty answers the argument that DST items don't have value.

I think, before the Trade Inn comes out, the value of DST skins, especially distinguished and elegant, should still depend on supply and demand. What also needs to be taken into consideration is that tf2 keys can be achieved by a 'crafting system', which means just a matter of game hours. On the other hand, DST skin do not have a crafting system and any distinguished/elegant requires prob. a longer play time to get than xx tf2 keys. So, yeah...

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I 1-1 trade for what I'm looking for at a rate of the same item unless I'm offered keys then if its enough its worth it to me 
Sadly everyone's looking for the tuxedo so at this rate I may just need to wait until my game drops one or drops a distinguished item people are looking for...

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