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Mod help needed for character art.

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I've been working on adding my OC into Don't Starve to play as since me and my friend have been making our OCs for the game as fun. But I've run into a problem with doing the art when it comes to the skirt graphic


My OC has a skirt as part of her armor that looks like this.
I did the front of the skirt but when I preview it in the spriter and in game, it looks like this:

WbncYsz.jpg - Front
vxy0fFU.jpg - Side view. Which has the problem


Is there any way around this? Or at least to cover it up to look like a side view of her skirt?
Or am I going to have to rethink her armor's normal design to work on the sprite?

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I'd hate to double post, but I still need help.
To clarify further. I want to have a way so that the front sprite for the skirt section of character sprites doesn't appear on the side. And I'm wondering if there's a way to chance it so that it will have a different sprite. Or if there's a way to at least cover it up with something else.

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I know that there's nothing unusual about it. I was asking if there was a way to make it so the front and side skirt have separate sprites instead of sharing the same one or have a way to cover up the side skirt so it's different. So that way it's only open on the front of the skirt, but a full skirt on all other views. ^^;

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I don't know what you don't understand in what I said so I will start from the beginning again.


You have in your build folder a folder called "skirt".

In this folder you have the 4 different views of the skirt. Front, side, back, electrocuted.


In the stuff you sent me, there is just the front viw which was modified. The side, back and electrocuted remained untouched. So you have to change these sprites in order for them to appear properly in game.

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No. I updated the skirt sprites when you said to replace those.


I'm not missing anything from what I can tell from the extended sample character template, I just want it so skirt 0 doesn't appear on the side view of my sprite. And instead has its own custom separate sprite.

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So I finally understand what is the issue. There is no side view of the skirt unlike other parts of the body, it's using by default the front view. The issue is that in the default animations, it means that it uses the skirt-0 on the side view as well, so you cannot do much... easily.


The only thing I can think of would be to swap the build of your player character when facing left or right, to a build which looks exactly the same than the one you currently have but have skirt-0 modified to be the side view.


In DS it would be fairly easy and stop here. For DST you'll have to do a check for all players independently because not everybody always have the camera oriented the same way, so for some people it would be the side view while for some other it would be the front or back.


But I don't see an other way of doing it. So good luck.

Edited by ZupaleX
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This is quite tricky and it implies the use of a lot of stuffs which you do not master, so I'm afraid it's a bit out of your reach for the moment. You should try to do simpler stuffs before to get familiar with it. Or try to do it for DS single player first, it doesn't imply all the Network stuffs which is what makes it complicated.


Or hope somebody has a better idea to do this kind of stuff, but I cannot think of anything as of right now.

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For DS single player it's not that complicated though. You have function to check which way the character is facing. So You should add a periodic task to your character which checks the current facing. If the facing is up or down then you do a 




elseif facing side




And that's it.


In proper code it would give something like that:

inst.currentFacing = nilinst.applyProperBuild = inst:DoPeriodicTask(0, function()     local newFacing = inst.AnimState:GetCurrentFacing()     if newFacing ~= inst.currentFacing then          inst.currentFacing = newFacing          if newFacing == FACING_UP or newFacing == FACING_DOWN then               inst.AnimState:SetBuild("your_updown_build")          else               inst.AnimState:SetBuild("your_side_build")                        end     endend)
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If you really want to do it for DST you could take a look at the AnimState:SetClientsideBuildOverride function.


When you have the two builds, could please post here the complete mod folder, I'd like to try it out, the problem is interesting.

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