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Music Conflicts Beteen Multiple Mods (And how to fix it in your mod)


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So the tutorial posted here a long time ago ( http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/28108-music-mod-tutorial/ ) seems to be the template for most modders adding custom music. Unfortunately, this causes problems when you try to load two or more mods that used this same template. Why? Well, if two (or more) mods both want to load a .fsb with the same bank name, the game crashes because it can't load two resources with the same name.


To change the name of your sound bank, in addition to changing the references in your modmain.lua and any other files, you must open your .fdp file in FMOD Designer, go to "Banks" in the upper left corner, click on the bank on the left (right now it says "music_mod" if you used the template), click on the field in the top right next to "Name" and under "Value". Change it to something else. For example, I changed the bank name for my Touhou music pack (personal, don't try to look for it, you won't find it) to "th_music_mod". You can do this at any time before you build the project.


You MUST change the bank name from within FMOD Designer(or another program that can edit bank names). Changing the names of .fsb files does NOT fix this! RemapSoundEvent() uses the actual bank name within the file.


There doesn't seem to be a fix if you lack the source .fdp (you can always try to extract the .fsb and map the files yourself, but this can be tough if you don't know which songs are used for which event), but if Klei did something about this (I don't know exactly how they apply the file changes so I don't know if it's even possible) it would be great, even if they just add something about this to the tutorial post so people don't use music_mod as their bank name.

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