Don't want to get so Wrecket

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I have some complients!

First, the lightning and fire is awful in the normal Don't Starve,

things start to burn immediately no chance of saving anything.  :willowilson: 

And as Willow this is a F***ing nightmare.   :spidercowers:

My alchemyengine have catche fire 2 times under a play that lasted for 21 days.

Some of the feathers that are in Toghter I feel shoud be in the normal one as well!

The chance of putting ou fire, and the other one is to have full inventory and holdning something and still being able to pick stuff of the ground like grass our berries. 


Also I have coming a cross a weird bug, that kinda freaks me out.

The camera zooms in so close that the world stop existing, only some smoke and total blackness.


That and I feel that machetes are to expensive.

Flint is pretty hard to come by, that and GOLD!

 Wich is needed for alot of things.                  :juggling:


 I will Update if I find more Bugs.  :wickerbottomthanks:


Thats and I have deslexia So yeah.  :/ 



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TIL Dyslexia is an excuse for horrible grammar. (BTW I have dyslexia as well).



Anywaaaay.... Sounds like you just lack some experience with the game. Nothing you've mentioned above is a "bug" (except the camera-zoom).


For lightning, build a Lightning Rod near object/items you don't want to lose. One in your base is an absolute must.


For putting out small fires, either press extinguish on the item and take a small amount of damage putting it out with your hands, or carry Ice around with you to use in the same way (but without hurting yourself). Alternatively, you can build an Ice Flingomatic that will automatically put out fires within the machine's range (another absolute must for your base).


As for Flint being hard to come by and the Machete being too expensive; Speaking from my own experience so far, Flint is not hard to find at all. Sure it isn't everywhere like Grass or Saplings, but it's abundant enough I feel. And there are plenty of Boulders around once the Flint that's just lying on the ground is used up. The machete seems fine to me too. It's nearly all blade and a small handle. Makes sense to me therefore that it costs more flint than other tools like the Axe (seeing as the axe is nearly all handle and a small blade).

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