Few questions about SW gameplay / potential bugs?

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Ok, I managed to somehow never die in ShipWrecked by exiting two worlds via portal before Summer volcanic eruptions people are talking here so much about. However there are few things I confused about. Maybe someone could explain the way they work


  1. water trap (one jelly + two bottles + something) - no matter what I do, what I use as a bait and where I place the trap (depth) I can catch nothing.
  2. trail net - can not reclaim it once it's detached from the ship. It's just floating up forever and you can put / take items from but not reclaim it from water.
  3. whale - killing the white whale ('suspicious bubbles sequence') gives nothing. It's carcass is simply floating and doing nothing.
  4. swordfish - can't catch one and thus create the related weapon. It seems might be related to point no (1).

Any ideas?

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whale - killing the white whale ('suspicious bubbles sequence') gives nothing. It's carcass is simply floating and doing nothing.


I know for this at least, you have to wait three days for the corpse to decompose and then use the machete to hack it open.

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1.There should be a school of fish, you place it there?

2.Trawl net is a one time use item.You are suppose to catch as many wobsters/fish/seaweed as possible with a trawl net, then you reap the rewards(i.e. mechanistically same as morsel stick). I learned this the hard way.

3.You have to wait for the whale to be fully bloated(puffing up),then you hack it with a weapon. It will give you 2-4 blubbers+ 2 fish meat + some other crazy stuff.I got a gas mask once.

4.I just killed it with a spear rofl. The weapon killed hounds in 3 hits.


Edit: wait for 3 days til the carcass expands.

I don't know if dogfish eats the fish trap or not.

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1.There should be a school of fish, you place it there?

2.Trawl net is a one time use item.You are suppose to catch as man wobsters/fish/seaweed as possible with a trawl net, then you reap the rewards(i.e. mechanistically same as morsel stick). I learned this the hard way.

3.You have to wait for the whale to be fully bloated(puffing up),then you hack it with a weapon. It will give you 2-4 blubbers+ 2 fish meat + some other crazy stuff.I got a gas mask once.

4.I just killed it with a spear rofl. The weapon killed hounds in 3 hits.


1. My bad, missed that idea. Will try, thanks.

2. Ok, I got that. But the fact it does not decay and that one can not reclaim it back looks to me as a minor but confusing bug.

3. Got it, thanks!

4. Ok, I guess I simply didn't encounter it in my travels.

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I have a couple questions regarding the fish bone.  Firstly, are monkeys able to pick it up?  Secondly, Does it spawn anywhere aside from near mangrove biome with ox?  I've only ever found it once and it was in the aforementioned biome.

Monkeys cannot pick up fishbones and backpacks.

Fishbones also spawns randomly;I found one near a volcanic biome then a grass(monkey) biome. 

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