a couple of bugs in SW

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Hi everyone  :fat:


I've survived 20ish days in SW so far, and I noticed a couple of bugs: 


-I had planted trees for charcoal, and once they had reached full size I set them on fire JUST as gusts of wind started blowing. I was trying to catch some stuff that had gone with the wind, and when I came back to my trees, I realized that the wind had blown out the flames, so I tried to set the trees on fire again... but there was no option to do so. I grabbed an axe and, just to see what would happen, I tried to chop down my tree... and it turned into charcoal! (though it very much looked like a normal tree)


-When I got off my boat with a cloth sail "in my hand" (because my inventory was full), I could drop it anymore... I had to go back on the boat first to reverse this.


Also, I don't know if this is just my computer but when I got poisoned (and it happened twice..terrible thing) the game started to freeze every time the screen got green because of my poisoning...


That's it, for now! :encouragement:

(And thanks for the amazing game, Klei and Capy!) ----------------------------


re-posted over on the right subforum

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