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HELP! Character with pet


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Hi! Nice to meet you ^///^

I'm working on a Don't Starve Together character for the first time and I want to make a pet (cat) follow her. Is it possible?


Thanks for passing by.  :wilson_flower: 


It'd probably be pretty easy to just re-skin chester and copy all of his code and just remove the bits of code that allow him to be a container to store stuff in

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Hi! Nice to meet you ^///^

I'm working on a Don't Starve Together character for the first time and I want to make a pet (cat) follow her. Is it possible?


Thanks for passing by.  :wilson_flower: 

inst:AddComponent("childspawner")    inst.components.childspawner.childname = "catcoon"    inst.components.childspawner:StartSpawning() -- spawns catcoon on join    inst.components.childspawner.maxchildren = 1 --dont want to spam the screen with cats	if inst.components.leader then        local x,y,z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()        local ents = TheSim:FindEntities(x,y,z, 100, {"catcoon"})        for k,v in pairs(ents) do            if v.components.follower then                inst.components.leader:AddFollower(v)            end        end        for k,v in pairs(inst.components.leader.followers) do            if k:HasTag("soul") and k.components.follower then                k.components.follower:AddLoyaltyTime(3)                  end           end   end

not exactly sure if it works in DST, but it works in DS, so maybe :v

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