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Too many Unpopulated Dedicated Servers - Here's what I'm going to do

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So, there are an ungodly amount of dedicated servers out there with no active member base.


I have quite a few group members, but not enough that play DST regularly.


So here's my plan.  I'm adding a second server, and upgrading to a Caves layout for one month.  If we don't get a stable group, we'll go back down to one, and move caves above ground.


Anyone who's currently in our group can send out new invites, and accept requests from people who want in.


If you're looking for the power to have input in what's going on with the server, freedom from griefers, and an opportunity to find a home where you can get to know your fellow players, come on over.  Once I get Caves up and running, we're going to have a fresh start.


Current details:

Max players of 10

Game is set to Wilderness, with PvP off.  The game pauses when no one is on, and resumes when people join.

TS: Provided, max members of 15 currently.  Not required, just a bonus.


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