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Wiki console commands need updating...

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After learning stuff in my new server, looking at consolecommands.lua and even finding out some stuff by mistake by messing with commands to test them. This wiki although helpful needs updating. I'd update it but never messed with wiki stuff before so don't really know how to.


here's a small list not everything that I have found out.


the c_move() and c_select() command works great together. Yes if you need to move a player you can do c_move(AllPlayers[#]) but lets say you need to move an item you placed down by mistake and don't want to destroy it. Or even there's space for it but for some reason the game won't let you place it down even though after placing it down you can still place other items next to it. Like the lightning rod for example. Just hover your mouse over the base/bottom of the item type c_select() then type c_move() with your mouse pointing where you want it moved to.


This command is also great if your world has a island with a wormhole in it or no wormhole at all and you want to move the wormhole in/out of it. Good for having admin islands.


Ok now lets say your in god mode for what ever reason. You still get waterlogged or you want to be waterlogged for what ever your testing. You can set your moister level with c_setmoisture(n) n being the amount of moister you want.


In the wiki for woodie to be a beaver the command is:



But in the file there's a much shorter one and all you need to type is c_setbeaverness(n)


You can set your temp c_settemperature(n)


c_supergodmode() this one is really cool lol. not only toggles your god mode but heals all your stats and drains you of all water in the process.


There's also some I have an idea what they do but not sure how to get them to work. c_light(c1, c2, c3) I thought was suppost to create a light with diffrent colors but does nothing and then c_makeinvisible() doesn't really make you invisible but kinda acts like the bush hat when hiding.


Instead of doing the command on the wiki with the k, v in pairs(AllPlayers) do c_move() end or what ever it was on there if you want to gather all the players in one area just type c_gatherplayers()


This command is really usefull during/after frog rain. c_removeallwithtags() so pretty much if there's too much of an item mainly like frogs during frog rain just type c_removeallwithtags("frog") and it will remove all the frogs.


well there's even more but some I can't either figure out to work or aren't worth mentioning. but if you want to see all of them just go into your data/scripts folder and open consulecommands.lua file in a text editor. 


On a side now I edited the file to make some commands easier...


function c_creative()

function c_setmaxhealth(n)

function c_setmaxsanity(n)

function c_setmaxhunger(n)

function c_resall()

function c_remove()
c_select() c_sel():Remove()

function c_startrain()

function c_stoprain()
TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_forceprecipitation", false)

function c_lightning()
TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_sendlightningstrike", TheInput:GetWorldPosition())

Just c/p that into the bottom of the file if you want to use them. Just be sure to backup the original file in case something goes wrong.


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i have some problem with console, i have dedicated server, and with my settings.ini is survival when i'll try to reset server from console this is doesnt work, or when ill use global announce with C_announce("test") same not work for me. im build dedicated server with my PC and i connect from my another machine. im use laptop for playing this game.  this is my settings.ini


default_server_name = [Garuda]Digimers
default_server_description = Server for digimers Indonesia
server_port = 10999
server_password = PRIVATE
max_players = 6
pvp = false
game_mode = survival
enable_autosaver = true
tick_rate = 30
connection_timeout = 8000
server_save_slot = 1
enable_vote_kick = true
pause_when_empty = true
server_token = PRIVATE
dedicated_lan_server = false
autocompiler_enabled = true
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